How to convince my mom to have a sleepover?

How can I convince my mom to let my have a sleepover party for my birthday? Only three of my friends would come, and I’ve never had a sleepover/birthday party. I feel really left out and I think this would make a great party.

Answer #1

I was going to have a sleepover for my 13th birthday but my house is going to be under constuction and I really want to have a bday party because im turning 13 and I want to convince my mom that the house wont be in a mess and that I should be able to have a party

Answer #2

I was going to have a sleepover for my 13th birthday but my house is going to be under constuction and I really want to have a bday party because im turning 13 and I want to convince my mom that the house wont be in a mess and that I should be able to have a party

Answer #3

Tell her that you feel that you are old enough and responsible enough to have a sleepover and you feel that you are mature enough and so are your friends, that you wont be loud and noisy [even if you plan on messing about and stuff]. Also explain to her what you plan on doing, so she knows, and your not just going to do random stuff that could be noisy etc. Good luck.

Answer #4

just let her know your friends are well behaved and will be quiet and let them sleep.

Answer #5

Jusss Ask herr an I’ve shee ses noo if u reallyy want a sleepovaa then you will , doo thee dishes orr a jobb orr sumfiin 4 ( ow eva long your mum wants you too ) ,, whaa I doo iss I lett her no thaa she was 1nce a kiid , ann just imagiine I’ve shee wanted a party an neva got 1 ,, thenn it shhudd wurrkk xxx If urr mum is a niicee mum she might ov al’rediii dun a secret party youu nevaa noo x ,, Gudd Luckk *xx

Answer #6

Make her sound like it’s a great idea! For my 13th party we went rock climbing to a really nice restaurant then they slept over it was great!!!

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