My puppy wont stop bitting

I have a 4 month old puppy that want stop bitting people and me… I know hes teething but its hurting people and kids are scareed of him what can I do to make him stop

Answer #1

hi this behaviour is called mouthing and with a bit of simple work you can stop it and he will grow out of it. shouting or getting cross with him will not work. your pup is just being a pup and trying to commuincate with you and interact with you like he would with his litter mates. think about it they play by biting each other . well anyhow how the pups sort it out is if one pup bites another pup too hard he lets out a yelp and does not play with the offending dog for a while ( 3-4) mins of ignoring him. if everyone in your family starts to yelp every time your pup mouths you and ignore them for a couple of mins the pup will learn that its no fun if you bite and no one plays with you !!! you infact should often your arm to your pup and do this regularly the more often you do it the quicker he will learn. it should resolve easily. and remember your pup is also teething and should be given some toys to chew also but it is essential that he learn that he cannot bite skin so the above exersise is essential. please do not shout at him or hit him he doesnt understand you or what he is doing wrong. you need to learn to speak pup. good luck

Answer #2

DO NOT hit him…You can make yelping noises, just like another pup might…that teaches them bite control…lets them know “Hey, that’s too hard”…or, if he’s a bit more of a dominant personality…and he starts getting too excited…LEAVE THE ROOM…you can teach the kids this, too. Leave the room and go into the bathroom where you can close the door. Let him cool his heals for 3 to 5 minutes. Dogs HATE being excluded. He won’t learn it the first time…but by the third time for each person, he’ll figure out that YOU control the game…

Never let him start a game either…ignore him when he wants to play…then you start the game in 5 minutes…

Remember too, at 4 months he’s just started losing those nasty needle teeth, and what is almost unbearable pain now, does get easier to handle with the adult teeth that will be taking their place.


Answer #3

Try giving him things he is allowed to true. It can be a toy, towel, bone etc something that he can get his teething out from and learn that biting people isnt OK. If he bites you, you need to be very stern and make him know its not ok. Once he has been punished you need to have something to replace the biting with. The other thing is try using Bitter Apple. It is a product that once they taste it they dont like it and it deturs them from doing it again. I wouldnt use that on you though, thats for things like walls and furniture. Give it some time he is still young but you need to start working now. Hope that helps

Answer #4

my dogs used to always to this what we did to train them was to when ever they bit to make a high pitched yelping sound or say UHUH in a loud voice, also walk out of the room. And about the teething maybe get him a good chew toy.

Answer #5

try taking a face cloth and soaking it in water and freezing it and then letting him chew on it, he might just be in a lot of pain and this will really help. One of my family members had a shit tzu puppy who randomly became aggressive and started biting and you could barely put your hand near him with out him coming at you, he was brough to the vet and found out he was teething really bad and they suggested the frozen cloth, hope this helps you and your puppy

Answer #6

make sure you show him its not the right thing to do and kinda hit his mouth..I had a pitbull and he did that to he would always bite and finally we would hit him on his mouth and tell him no and now he the most friendly thing ever…

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