Why am i so miserable?

Im miserable. I dont know why! I used to have depression, just slightly. but it has been fine for almost a year now. but all of a sudden I am really down. nothing makes me happy anymore..except my best friend and I only see him every 2 weeks. what can I do to be happy? I hate feeling this way!

Answer #1

Doctors, medication, therapy ??? Yikes! Try the simple stuff first: Enjoy a pet, talk/visit with friends or relatives, do something nice for a neighbor, help someone in need, treat yourself to some small luxury item or something different to eat, change your routines, think of the happiest person you know and call them up “just to say Hi” (but don’t say anything about yourself, just ask them questions about what is going on with them…), and make sure you avoid religious garbage (don’t add guilt to your problems). Focus on the good stuff in your life! When someone asks you how it’s going, tell them about the best thing that happened to you. . . not the worst. Depression passes, and the memory of it is what makes the good times so enjoyable. Good luck!

Answer #2

Sometimes depression passes but some people have a depression disorder, and even if it eases up for a while (maybe due to a good situation), it will keep coming back. I have spent almost my whole life dealing with it, and I am a pretty optimistic person, so its not an attitude problem. I would just suggest that you see a psychatrist and get help. I know that for me, putting off getting help has been a big mistake. Things will get better, but if you suffer from clinical depression, it will only be temporary and then you’ll feel sad again later. I wish you the best of luck!

Answer #3

You sound so depressed.Perhaps you should consult a doctor about it? Maybe you need medication,or therapy?

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