How can I stop feeling so miserable?

every day I wake up and I want 2 feel happee but I just dont I spend most of my time in my room it gets boring and my friends well I only reelee have 1 friend she talks to me every once in a blue moon but when I talk 2 my friend I tell her that I rite in my diary more than 3 times a day I just feel so depressed im not a sports person I dont like 2 go outside an I dont get hungry ofen somtimes I just get so angry and I break stuff in my room my parents dont talk 2 me very much an I feel so depressed you see I just ceep braging about it beacause im so miserable what do I do ? pleeze help me PS this happend just a couple of weeks ago

Answer #1

Sound like your having some problems with a mild depression. . . I know it doesn’t seem mild it never does. . . I have clinical depression but I learned to control it long ago. . it’s inherited My father has it too. Now this is the first thing I tell anyone with depression . . . Get it in your mind that life is not about you. . . you are number two ok. . . Yes this is going somewhere good. . . Now do you know any old folks that live alone a widow or widower. Go talk to them tell them you would like someone to talk to. . often they will be more than happy to talk to you get them to tell you about their life and when they grew up. play cards or checkers what ever they want. . share your life with them. I learned to cook up a storm that way. See I made someone else number one. . . Now I have several number ones and the great thing is to some of them I’m number one. . . and I’m not depressed. . . Go out tomorrow enjoy some sunshine tomorrow and if it helps have a good cry tonight. . . Life happens trick is when it effects you effect it back. Go be a friend to someone who is alone visit someone it a nursing home. . . listen first then talk. Go happen to life.

Answer #2

I feel this way more often too. It actually just happened a few weeks ago like you. I sit up in my room and go on the computer the whole day and that’s it. Even if I am really bored I pratically go crazy. I break things in my room to. Sometimes out of boredness, so I get angry and sad. I know it sounds stupid but cry for a while and you will feel a bit better. I still feel that way as I write this but it is sort of on offish. I really hate the thought of going back to school becuase I worry about my grades, my future, my future family, my friends, if I’ll ever get a boyfriend. Wow I could go on and on. But just know that your not the only one out there that feels this way. In fact my Best friend (who yes is like my only friend) is somewhat depressed also. And I do agree rnealw, it sounds like your describing some form of depression. But no worries. It is treatable. Either get therapy, tell your counselor, or talk to your parents about how your feeling. Im sure they will understand. I hope I helped! Take care!

Answer #3

first off you said you only have 1 friend , well now you have 2! if you want somrthing to do ,really it sounds dumb but find a nice baptist church ! read a bible .i know most people can’t understand the bible . so i would recomend a NEW INTERNATIONAL verson. and acctually the bible really fun try reading the book of GENEIS or ESTER to start than go to JOHN! ( dont worry genesis, ester, and john) are all in the bible! the bible has 66 whole books in it! trust me this will work! it might take awhile but soon you will find fun in it if you dont at first !and you will be bound to make many, many friends in church!

Answer #4


Answer #5

thanx guys

Answer #6

sammy natural anti depressant.

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