Answer #1

So, wait… would that be considered heresy?

Answer #2

Joan of Arc was killed because she had visions from God, and everyone demanded her to say that the visions weren’t from God, but she believed they were from God, so they burned her to death.

Although, they used the excuse that she was a witch to burn her at the time.

Answer #3

Yes it would.

Answer #4

She was burned as a heretic, not a witch…


Answer #5

Well, it was important to the English and their allies that Joan be found guilty of heresy.
If she’s a heretic, it casts doubt on her visions, and therefore casts doubt on the consecration of Charles VII, the new king. Charles had been acting on advice from Joan, both in military and political matters. The English and their allies, the Burgundians, obviously wanted to do anything in their power to make Charles seem illegitimate as a ruler. They hoped forcing Joan to admit heresy would do this.

Answer #6

Oh, okay. Now that makes much more sense.
Thank you. :)

Answer #7

being a witch

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