Is there any way I can speed up my metabolism?

I have a really low metablosim and I’m sick of it, it there ANY way I can make it faster???!!!

Answer #1

Thats a really good ideal. Just remember the snacks should be raw veggies or fruit. I also had someone tell me to eat a apple and drink water about an hour or two before you eat and it would help fill you up so you would not eat so much.

Answer #2

I just learned about this last semester in Health class and it is free. Try eating a little something every two hours. For example, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack repeat next day. The snack shouldn’t be too big but it is actually supposed to help. Also drink plenty of water.

Answer #3

There are supplements you can take to help with a slow metablosim. Magnesium and Iron are two really good supplements you can take to help. Exercise, any type of movement will help. Stay away from all forms for sugars, even the fake ones. Pasta and bread. These foods will be processed as sugars and be stored on your body as fat. The best thing to do is for you to understand how food works in the body. A slow colon will also effect your body and every organ even your skin. Just remember what you eat at least 90% should be elimanated within 30 mintues to 2 hours later. Doctors will tell you life and death begins in the colon. Do not use laxatives, your body will rely on them and thats not good. Try eating lots of fiber enriched foods. They are low in calories and you can usually eat all you want. Here is a list Carrots, Celery ( this one is great, you will burn more calories than you take in with this one.) Green Apples instead of red. The green apples cantain less natural sugar. Bell peppers I like the red ones. strawberries, grapes, cucumbers. Do you drink a lot of soda? If you drink more than one 8 oz glass a day, chips, and candy of any form you might not have a slow metablosim. I will try and word this in a way everyone will understand. You could be sending the wrong signals to your insulin harmone and this will be setting you up for dibeties later on. This is where a lot of people go wrong in there diet. The next thing to go will be the throid which controlls your metablosim. It will slow down. When one harmone is off then the other 6 will try and make up for that one. Then before you know it all 7 of your harmones are not working the way they should. Take a good look at your skin. Is it clear 80% of the time. You should only have break outs during that time of the month. This even goes for boys and men. This is a good sign that the colon is not working correctally, which will results in break outs. The average person is carring around 20 pounds or more in the colon. Start a food journal. When I did this for one week I was shocked at what I was eatting. When I changed what I took in as food the weight started to come off. I never went hunger. I have a three simple rules for the foods I eat. 1 - If its white dont eat it . Because it is most likely full of carbs. 2 - Stay away from all forms of corn. Corn is used to put fat on livestock ( Cows, sheep, pigs, horses) If it puts fat on them it will put it on you as well. 3 - Sugar and fake sugar drinks Just say no! The average person by giving up sugar drinks will lose at least 10 pounds or more in the first year. I have not had a Coke type drink( this also goes for energy and gatoraide type drinks) in over 4 years and I do not miss it at all now. At first I did. Here is a trick to get over the craving of coke tyype drinks. When you crave it just a sip or two and no more. You will get to where you will no longer want it. I really hate the way they taste. I hope I have helped and not confused you tooo much. Good luck and remember to drink lots of bottle or filtered water. Never out of the tap unless you have a water system , and not the water with fruit flavors they contain fake sugar.

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