Faeries and god

here is one thing I absolutely dont get. why are people who believe in faeries or anything of that nature considered weird or insane when people who worship an invisible being (god) are “totally normal”. I have a friend who feeds faeries every morning and some/most may say this is weird but really is it anymore weird then people who follow the rules of and live there whole lives for an invisible forse?

Answer #1

People doing things based on irrational beliefs look weird to anyone - except others that share those beliefs. The simple difference is that more people are christian than believe in fairies, so fewer people see christianity as being equally weird.

Answer #2

There is no documentation for the existence of faeries. That show is a crock.

Answer #3

The only difference between belief in faeries and belief in god, is that more people believe in gods. If there were churches devoted to propogating faery belief, and if those churches had had political power for 1500 of the last 2000 years, 80% of the population would believe in faeries instead of gods.

Answer #4

Well I see the Gods and Goddesses as a symbol. They are representations. Of energies rather than real beings. I truly believe that all Gods/Goddesses are man made.

As far as faeries. I don’t think there’s much proof of them. But I my self haven’t done a lot of research on the subject.

I think society has been influenced by certain religions that say this way of thinking is ok in this application (God) but not this one. (Faeries). Its the same when some people act in disbelief when I tell them I’m a witch (only when it comes up in subject) 1 of the 3 main reactions I get is “whatever witches are fairy tails” ( The other 2 being. (2) That’s cool/me too. And(3) that’s evil/devil worship). The (3) also being influenced by another major religion.

Answer #5

well I don’t believe in the tooth fairy if that is what you mean, but fairy dust and fairys who stick by the side of the calm and sweet wizards than yes. I believe in god, but I think they need to make the bible not so”ok this is what happens” and make it easlier and less tireding to read. Nobody was there when god said “let there be light” so how do they know?

 I do believe in him, but I think that they should get their priorities straight!
Answer #6

thats not weird is she into fairy magik at all?

Answer #7

I believe in Faeries. I get people thinking I’m wierd, but generally I just shrug it off. I mean, if people are free to believe in a God (or any deity) why can’t they believe in faeries?

Answer #8

Faeries, and Fairies… are not the same thing. They are two different things. Much like the difference in Magik , as compared to Magic.

However, just for the sake of those who are not really too sure what the differences are…

FAERIES are spiritual beings. They are quite often found in places such as Ireland and England, and their existence has been documented many times by credible sources using infa red cameras. The most recent documentation that I am aware of were caught on camera by the “Ghost Hunters” and is available for viewing on the internet. They have been referred to in the past , by some folks, as “mischievious little gremlin-like spirits” who quite often live in wooded areas.

FAIRIES, on the otherhand, are “not” real. They are an annimated character that we quite often find in fantasy movies and films. A great example of one such fairy might be that of “Tinkerbell” , as created by Walt Disney Studios (USA) solely for entertainment purposes.

One is a spiritual entity, the other is fiction.

MAGIK, in short, is the practice of religious beliefs for many of the pagan religions, such as Wicca. It is spelled that way to differentiate it from “MAGIC”, which of course, are all stage illusions for the sole purpose of entertainment.

One is spiritual, and again, the other is fiction.

Almost every single religion known to mankind aknowledges the “spiritual world” in one way, shape, or form, no matter if the basic funcition of the religion (or practice) is for good or evil purposes.

The spiritual world is seemingly quite vast and complicated, so I really honestly doubt if there is any human who could honestly say that they “completely” understand the entire spiritual world. They may truly believe that they understand a “part” of it, based on their belief, but I would think that to understand “all” of it would be near impossible, if not even blatently “foolish” to lay claim to by anyone. I know personally, I would not want to make such a foolish statement and be asked to “prove it” . The “proof” would be impossible. :-)

Aside from judging one another based on individual spiritual beliefs, I think that we can all pretty much understand that “God”, and “gods” (not as in animate idols, but as in the spirit that the idols represent), and the “devil”… are all of a spirit nature wiithin themselves. The reality of their existence lies within the spiritual world somehow.

So when “xxhellsxxangellx” says that there “are no fairies”… well, they “do” exist in the fantasy world. Just not in reality. They are pretend and are designed only for entertainment. So he is exactly “correct” in what he is saying. In real life, they “don’t” exist. However, this post was not about “fairies” but of “faeries”.

As for God (as in the Christian religion), or “many gods” as in pagan religions, right down to poltergeists, ghosts, deamons and devils, spiritual hauntings, and, alas, “Faeries”… well, that sort of takes us back to the existence of a spiritual world that none of us can explain with any certainty. To do so would be, very foolish, and impossible.

However, if we “believe” in a spiritual domain of any type, or draw our allegiance to a figure, or figures, of a spiritual nature… then we are therefore aknowledging the existence of a spiritual plane, itself, within the universe. And because none of us can fully understand the full scope of what a “spiritual plane” might hold within it’s entirity… then for any of us to simply deny the existence of “any” belief in an entity of that spiritual environment could, actually, reverse itself and threaten our own personal beliefs in the same manner.

Therefore, I can only conjecture, that because the God and Faeries as mentioned in this post are of a spiritual nature, and the spiritual world is accepted by many to exist, that there is no doubt and/or proof that they do not exist. Therefore, in belief, they must.

There can be people always who believe that a spiritual plane “does not” exist. But that is a belief, and quite difficult to prove.

There can be people who will always claim that one diety is better than the other. Absolutely everyone, of course, is most entitled to their own opinion.

As for myself, I have seen glimpses of proof of spiritual beings that are documented.

As for myself, I have no absolute knowledge of the vast concept that we know as the “spiritual world”. And, so, as a result, … as for me, I would never want to be in the position of a fool who says that “any” entity does not exist.

All I have to go on is my personal belief of the difference between good and evil, and I choose the good.

So, yes, “hippiepeaceprincess”, God and Faeries “do” exist. The simply don’t exist in the minds of those who doubt their existence.



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