What is happening to me???!?!?!?!?!??!?

Lately, I have been seeing things, like shadows. But no one is there, and the shadows move. I always feel like I am being watched, even when I am home alone.. The “shadows” usually like being around me when I am alone. I get these really weird dreams, that sometimes happen. I cant sort this out on my own, so I am asking the community of funadvice.. Please help me. No I am not insane or just doing this for the heck of it. I am truely scared. Thank you for reading.

Answer #1

Our brains make our reality to a good degree. If you are expecting to see menacing shadows when you’re alone, then you will. You seem to be afraid of being alone, and your mind makes your fear seem real to motivate you to never be alone.

Answer #2

Have you Been involve with Spiritism ? Like Having your hand read with psychics, fortune tellers, tarot cards, Anything Related to that? When people get involve with spiritism they let their mind open for demons, If you Havent then its probably your mind ,

xoxo Heidi

Answer #3

have you been in contact with a quija board?maybe your like me and have the ixth sense of spiritual seeings? I dont know need more info about it

Answer #4

I’ve seen shadows with the corner of my eye a long time ago. its just your mind, nothin to be worried about ;)

Answer #5

Some people who believe in the fairie world would say that you are catching glimmers of the Fae Folk. According to what I have read you cannot see then directly but only out of the corners of your eyes.

There are others that believe that spirits are also this way. Now it doesn’t mean the spirits are wicked or evil or intend to do you harm. It’s just another form of energy that is what our souls are made of.

The next time you are alone and see them politely, but confidently ask that they leave you be because they are disturbing your concentration. Might work and heck what do you have to lose? There’s no one else around to feel silly about doing it in front of them.

Answer #6

The world is made up of physical and spiritual. What you may be encountering is the spiritual. If you are a Christian, you can ask your heavenly Father for advice (Matthew 7:7-11). You will also need to evaluate if you have gotten into something that is off limits for a Christian and if so, repent. If it is deep rooted and you still can not get rid of this feeling, then a spiritual breaking is necessary.

Answer #7

Maybe, you’re hallucinating or maybe you do have your own little stalker who knows maybe you’re dreaming about him/her because you’re freaking out maybe you’re just paranoid!

Hearts & Notes -Deztiny

Answer #8

Maybe your dead relitives are visiting well that what I would think

Answer #9

Maybe you are just scared so your brain is fooling you.tell somebody you know,trust and love dearly.Hope I helped!

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