Im a 16 year old parent.

Okay I am 16 years old and I recently had a baby, I’ve been livin with my mom, threwout the whole pregnancy, and since my daughter was born on april 2,2008. Yesterday Aug.8th 2008 my mom didnt let my babys father take my daughter. I wanted him and his mom to take her because we had got into an arguement and I didnt want my daughter there. Well she called the police, and told them that I was a minor and she wanted to know her rights the police said that I was a minor and that my mother had to make me decisions for me. I disagreed and argued that that was my daughter and as much as my own mother had custody of me I had custody of my daughter. I have not been on drugs or drank alchol, nore has my babys father.. now my sister and her husband have got in it and are tellin my mom to take temporaly custody of my daughter. I want to know my rights as a teen parent to my child. Do I have the right to say where my daughter can go. I mean I am not givin her to a stranger I want her to be in a safe place. Im still livin here but I don’t want my baby here. my mom is constantly yelling. wakein up my baby. she overfeeds her.. she wants to take my baby away from me when she works fulltime who will watch my daughter? Please if yu know what my rights are as a teen parent let me know. or look it up for me that will be a big help!


Answer #1

As long as you live in your parents’ house, they can tell you what to do, move out and then you’re free to do as you please.

Answer #2

I give you mad props, its hard being a teen-age parent. Especially when your parents do not support you.

Answer #3

Ok you live in arizona… I used to live there… but I’m not to sure about the parent laws and so on… but here.. in pa… When a girl has a baby she is automatically an adult and is automatically emancipated. I think You got a good case against your mom… she is your mom not you babies… You have a right to do watever you want with your child your mother has no say so!!! My mom was the same way I had my baby at 16 too. You need to go to call childcare about this… or move out.. with the babies father or on your own. trust me with my experience with this your mom is just gunna get worse and grow attached to tthis baby and want to steal her from you… Your gunna want to call someone about this and try to move out… look up the laws see what you can do… when you mom called the police did she tell the cops that you had your own kid?? because you should have been able to do something. hope this helps and hope you listen

Answer #4

Tell Your Mom To F* OFF!!! GO Live With The Babys Daddy!! I had a baby 2 and my mom sent mine to a adoption center…im still crying over it… Dont Let Your Mom Control Your Life and YOUR Baby

Answer #5

the thing is you see… I’ve talked to so many people and that is not in the arizona state law.. I am a minor but when I was pregnant the doctors wouldnt even let my mom call inless I sighned a paper sayin it was ok. and e ways. im just trying my hardest to see what my rights are you know..! uhhh!

Answer #6

Arizona state law says that “in order for a grandparent or other relative to take custody from a parent they must first prove that the child will be better off without that parent. They must also prove that the child has been primarily cared for by the grandparent or other relative.” So, your mom would have a long court fight ahead of her. Basically she has to prove that you and your boyfriend are unfit parents. She can’t take custody of your daughter unless the state takes her away from both you and the baby’s father. And to do this she would have to prove neither of you can take care of your daughter. Good luck and congratulations on your beautiful baby.

Answer #7

Awww! Your baby’s so adorable! ok, I had to say that. Your mother shouldn’t take your baby away from you. That’s just wrong. You should be the one to decide who gets to see your baby and how to raise your baby but…the cops were right. Legally, you’re a minor til you’re 18 and til then your parents have control over you.( *Unless you get emancipated…then you’re on your own.) If she takes temporary custody of your daughter, she can, whether it would be easy for her to do so, I don’t know…but that’s just wrong. She should support you not control things for you. sorry.♥

Answer #8

first I want to say I am very sorry , and second she is YOUR daughter not your mothers YOU SAY WHAT GOES WITH YOUR CHILD YOU AND THE FATHER your mom cannot simply take ownership of your baby just because she feels like it she should however support any things you decide and be there to help you not threaten you because YOU ARE HER DAUGHTER!! SHE CANNOT JUST TAKE YOUR BABY BECAUSE YOUR A MINOR YOU ARE THAT BEAUTIFUL BABIES MOM!!!

Answer #9

I had my first son when I was 18years he’s almost 6years old…Don’t let your mother talk all that mess my son father mother told me she was going take me court and take my son…They didn’t see my son for along time they haven’t seen for 4years and I just now let them see his last month Dec 2008…It hurts for someone tell you they going take your child away from you but you do have rights and fight for them…Good luck :-)

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