How to cope?

My parents split up recently. I never got along with my dad, in fact I hated him. and my mom was like my best friend, and I could ask her anything. now I’m losing her too, and we’re fighting a lot more. what should I do about this?

Answer #1

You should communicate to both of them that you understand that these are difficult times that your family is going through and that you are there to support both of them in their individual choices.

Also, that, although you really aren’t concerned with the details of their problems, you will help your siblings in weathering the new situation. And, that you can still be close, individually, to both of your parents.

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        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #2

You do not need to do anything but your parents should try to compromise with each other.

Answer #3

thing is I have been supportive,m especially with my mom, and they have told me that they’re grateful for it, but then they thought that they could tell me about every aspect of their relationship because I was the oldest, though I didn’t want to hear about any of it and I’ve told them that. and I know I dont have it as bad as other people, but everyone needs advice once in a while right? no matter how severe the problem.

Answer #4

Honestly, you need to be grateful for the family that you do have, no matter how messed up you think they are of how much you might hate them. My father passed away almost 9 years ago and I never really got along with my mother. Ever since he died, my mother and I have fixed up our relationship and are trying to get along. All I’m saying is that you need to be grateful for what you have instead of pointing out all the negative aspects. Your mother is going through a lot right now and she might just need your support. Maybe by even telling her that your there for her if she ever needs anyone to talk to would be a nice thing to do. Doing that may even better the relationship that you have with her. Imagine yourself being in her shoes. Think of the best & longest relationship that you ever had and then remember what it felt like when you broke up. That’s what your mother is going through right now. As far as you father goes, he might feel the same way your mother does but if you guys don’t get along, then you really can’t help him. A mother is a girl’s BEST friend. Just remember that!!

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