How do I tighten my stomach muscles?

ok I lost like 15 lbs since school got out and its like ok how the heck did that happen..but anyways im a lot skinnier now except on my stomach its like kind of loose? I mean its like blah ick, I need a way to tighten my stomach muscles but I don’t know how I would do that. most people say that doing pushups help but I cant do many of those because I have weak wrists because I have fractured, sprained them so many times I need help!

Answer #1

wtf was that. i hate computers.. sounds like your saturated / trans fat intake is too high. what happens when we eat these is our body accumulates them particularilly in the stomach n a.s.s areas. soo completely eliminate them from your diet cuz the amount of sat fat the body needs to line the intestine n junk is produced naturally:)

Answer #2

hi, doing sit up’s instead of push up’s will put less strain on your wrists. Sit up’s will tone in your stomche, but to maintain it that way you will have to do them everyday. good luck

Answer #3

A lot of that could be loose skin too.. and it takes time for that to tighten back up.

There are a couple of good ways to tighten your tummy muscles.. like crunches, or an exercise ball. Start off light.

I like to do “jack knifes”: lay on the floor (on your back) and grab onto the underside of your bed (arms are over your head). Then lift your legs up.. pointing your toes toward the ceiling. Careful of your back though. It’s best to start with something like crunches.. then do the jack knife when you have gotten more strength.. .. does that make sense?

Answer #5

Do sit ups and crunches. When you do sit ups, hold yourself up for about 5 seconds then go back down. Try not to do your situps toofast. Pace urself and go slowly. this will enhance the intensity of the workout, and will make your abs more tight and strong. Your diet plays a very important role aswell, dont forget to eat high protien meals with plenty of water…

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