How do I know what I want to study in university?

Hi. I have to start applying to universities next year. And I still dont know exactly what I want to study. Im into psychology, socialogy, art, music, theatre. I chose psychology (major), art (minor), and im thinking music or theatre (alternative). My mom told me to choose two more major subjects ‘just incase’ I dont know what happens . My mom told me not to choose music nor art nor theatre because she thinks I wont benifit anything from them inthe future. But those are my intrests!!! I really dont know what to choose. I got all confused and nervous and scared because everything I planned got screwed!! How do I know what I want??? I dont like boring stuff thats why I have a limited list in my head. Music and theatre are not an option anymore because everyone will be against me and I wont get any support. Which is something I wouldnt want. I dont wanna be ashamed of what I like. So again how do I know what I really want?? As a major subject.

Answer #1

I would say try and work out what career you may be interested in in the future. Talk to a career’s counsellor or do some own research to find out what major may be best for these. I agree the idea of psychology or sociology may be a good major, with one of your other interests as a minor.

I would not worry too much about what your mom says. She will be worried and want the best for you, but I am sure she will support you whichever you choose. The best thng to do is do your research and explain exactly why you want to pick the major you do. That way she will be more likely to be supportive.

You can always take a gap year if you need, and maybe get some work experience in different professions to see what you may like. You can also earn some money in order to help pay for college. Getting experience in different job fields (just write to some companies or places of work to ask for a week or so there to try them out), really is the best way to find out what you may want to do, as is asking anyone from your school designed to help you find a career.

Just make sure you choose something you love, or you will hate college. And remember, when you start, it is never too late to change major if you feel like it :) good luck

Answer #2

Think of jobs you want to work at after university. Think about what might be useful to know. Ask a school counsellor for details.

You can do different interesting combinations, connecting music, arts and other likely unprofitable fields of study to more ‘serious’ and allegedly profitable ones.

If you combine arts and architecture you can build set scenery for movies and theatres or just concept beautiful buildings. If you combine music and physics or computer science you can go into sound technology or room acoustics. If you connect psychology, pedagogy and musig you might be able to do musical therapy groups for traumatized kids.

Just think about what you want to do, and learn what you need. Consider a handful of alternatives, just in case you find out something is not what you thought it would be and DO IT YOUR WAY. It’s your life. You want to be happy in it. It’s no use doing stuff that bores you out and a job that you think is frustrating.

bye the sheep

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