how do I get them to understand im seriously depressed?

I just turned 16.I lost my mom when I was 14 and my dad right before my 13th b-day.I live with my sister her husband (who I HATE) my 2 nephews and now my 2 week old neice.I cut myself for the first time about 6 months after my mom died they freaked out and I said I wouldnt do it again blah blah blah.and I didnt for a while then we moved into a new house I had an amazing boyfriend and my bro in law was leaving me the hell alone for once.Me and my boyfriend broke up after 2yrs of being together and everything went downhill…I started cutting myself on a daily basis running away sneaking out(usually teen things) pretty much because I hated my brother in law and I wanted to end my life.well I cut myself at school one day and the dean saw it and called the cops I got put in a mental hospital when I got out I had no room and was forced to sleep on the couch.I didnt cut myself after that and was put on prozac I didnt cut myself from sept 30th to dec.9th then I cut myself again and I have suicidal thoughts everyday the prozacs not working but I dont know how to tell my sister…I dont want to get in trouble again and I dont want them to think im doing this for attention like they did last time I just want help!

Answer #1

hey I’ve been through a lot of the same stuff you have… I spend a good amount of time in the mental ward, I’ve gotten serious enough where I yelled at my mom 3 days later for stopping me… I was put on celexia… it stopped working… and now im off the meds trying to become a pilot…

heres the deal… you want to live, or you wouldn’t be asking for help, and what im about to tell you to do is going to seem impossible but you have to do it… first you need to find a friend you can confide in or more than 1, if you dont have a good friend find a teacher, anyone in the world you truly trust with your life, you need sombody that can call at any time weather it be midnight or noon… you cannot do this by yourself. and second you need to make a commitment… you need to decide one day that you ARE going to get better… you need to promise yourself that… and I know when your depressed its not gonna matter and its gonna be hard but you need to fight it as much as you can… you need to try to think happy thoughts (I know its impossible) you need to say fuck you im fine to the depression and most of all you need to find 1 important thing in your life you can live for! excited about college? college is awesome! promise yourself your going to complete college. and one last thing… as a last resort… think about whats going to happen when your sister finds you! shes going to be devastated imagine walking in on that one day!

and just remember you WILL get through this… it will be and long and difficult struggle but think of it as an epic battle between you and your inner demons :)

good luck message me anytime

Answer #2

what you need to do is straight up tell them and I know its hard but its the best thing for you I suffer from depression since I was in 5th grade and im now 17 I have been backeracted for going down the same road as you I thought it would b easier to not b here but believe me it wont at all its mainly from the lack of not having any one to confide in your see it will b a lot easier and if not tell friends or you could talk to me ok

Answer #3

I understand where you come from with the cutting be cause I used to do the same thing. You may not want to, but it would be a good idea to get someone you can really trust to get some help with your depression because its almost impossible to get over it on your own. Its also hard for certain people 2 realize when you are depressed (or they just dont want 2 believe it). From personal experience I recommend you confide in someone that can get you help and not ruin you… let me know how things go or if you need to talk.

Answer #4

Girl,I’m sorry for your depression but don’t cut hon! Tell your sister your upset that all of this has happened and you need some support.Come on,it will be okay,I hardley know you but I feel for you trust me! Everyone dies at some point,young or old,but you have a long life to live so don’t do this anymore if people knew what you are going through people would support you.So explain it to your sis and ask her for help. Good luck sweetie,be careful!

Answer #5

You need to talk to someone before it’s too late. My brother commited suicide 4 years ago and to this day I wish I would have never been mean to him.. you may not think that anyone will miss you and they really do love you until it’s too late. Do everyone a big favor and just get some help please.. :) everything will any okay and being suicidal is for sure NOT the way to go hun

Answer #6

Alright…if yor sister won’t believe yo talk to someone else yo trust…like a teacher or a grandparent…I lost my mom when I was ten…and my dad isn’t the it feels like I lost him as well…so if you ever need to talk…I kina have a idea of what your going threw =-) and trust me doing this alone isn’t good AT ALL

Answer #7

You need to talk to someone in school so they can help you tell her. I know that is hard whit the cutting issue, funmail me if you want to, anytime!! Don’t worry, I will always be there.


Answer #8

I dont know what 2 tell you really but im sad a lot and at first my parents didnt belive me until I would cry a lot and not talk to them or anything so I dont know im sorry

Answer #9

I’ve tried to explain it to her…she just thinks im doing it for attention!

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