How can you lose 15 pounds fast?

How can a person lose about 10 - 15 pounds in 2-3 weeks…if already watching what they eat…only less than750 calories…and excersizing…cant spell…and on nanosilm…I’ve tried everything and its all from my new medications too…im normally like 113…

Answer #1

Any diet that says you can lose 10-15 pounds in 2 weeks is crazy. Yeah, it can be done but as soon as you quit that particular diet you will gain ti back and then some. Trust me, I have been there and done that will all of those funky diets.

First, by looking at your pic I really dont think you need to lose any weight. But if you are determined to do it then you should do it the right way. At 750 calories a day you are starving yourself and your body will react as such. Your metabolism will slow down and your body will do it’s best to hang on to what you eat because it knows it will not be getting much more. Even with the fact that I am completely inactive, my doc will not let me go lower than 1000 cals a day. And when I say I am inactive I really mean I don’t do anything but sit here on this computer all day long then I go to sleep. You look like you are a normal active teenager so your basic metabolic rate is going to be higher than mine. You need to feed your body.

If you are serious and want to lose weight and keep it off and not go through life losing the same 10-15 pounds over and over then I suggest you make some changes now. Try getting why our calories up to around 1200. Eat more fruits and veggies. Drink lots of water. Get up and move. Find some kind of cardio exercise that you like, Power walking, stair mater, treadmill. Something that will get your heart rate up. And please, PLEASE, forget about crash diets.

Answer #2

go on the south beach diet!!! guaranteed to lose 7 - 14 pounds the first two weeks but its very strict and you don’t have to exercise!!! good luck:)

Answer #3

Only eating 750 calories a day is VERY unhealthy and also it often won’t work because your body starts to store any fat that it gets. You need to get your calories up to 1200-1800 a day and then you will find it easier to loose weight. Also it depends on what you eat. Apperently all these “light-living” and “healthy-living” things are low in calories but actually contain a lot of sugars and carbs and so sometimes aren’t as good as the higher calorie dishes. Try to stay away from salty foods and proccessed foods. Grapefruit has been proved to help loose weight so prehaps you could have half a grapefruit for breakfast everyday with minimal sugar. Hope this helped x

Answer #4

You don’t look like you need to lose weight.

Check out your bmi at:

  Average Teenager Weight


“What should a minimum calorie intake be?”

As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low.

Answer #5

you eat…

Answer #6

UUUhhh..iT AiNt going to HAPPEN! GO EAt A WHOPPER!!

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