How to lose 8lbs in a week?

Hiya!.. im trying 2 loose 8 pounds in a week but it isnt working!!!… im eating less calories.. drinkin green tea.. how many calories a day should I be eating & burning 2 loose this amount in a week?.. mail me or answer thanks =P

Answer #1

If any of you are losing this much weight and are not considered Obese then you are just losing muscle not fat by overtraining your muscles as suggested above with 2 hours weight training! Weight training is important but should be done in 30-45 minutes and will not be your ultimate key to losing a lot of weight because you can only weight train so much before you are considered “overtraining” and your body will resist. Cardio on the other hand you can do all day every day if you want, the more you do the more you will lose! The least amount of calories you should be eating is your body weight x 8. Then you have to factor in the types of calories you are getting. For most women a 40/40/20 diet works well, which is 40% of your calories coming from protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat. To figure that out you take your total calories (8x your body weight) and figure out what each percentage equals. Then you divide how many calories are in a gram of each macronutrient (protein/carb/fat). There are 4 calories per gram of both protein and carbs and 9 calories per gram of protein. So if your daily calories are 1200 then 40% of that is 480 divided by 4 (how many calories per gram of protein) and you should be eating 120 grams of protein per day. At the end of it all though is the fact that 3500 calories equals 1 pound of fat so you will have to expend more than 3500 calories per week to lose 1 pound, 7000 for 2 pounds etc. To lose 8 pounds in a week you would have to do enough cardio to equal 4000 calories a day 7 days a week!!! Lesson learned: I doubt any of you are working out enough and surviving any way, to burn 4000 calories every day. So for anyone losing this kind of weight who is not working out like a maniac you are only losing water or muscle which will only lead to a flabby booty.

Answer #2

well for me starving did the trick, but it’s painful and unhealthy so I’d suggest you eat fruits and veggies, keep drinking green tea and try burning 75% of the cals you take in, for example if you eat 1000 cals a day try burning 750.

hope this helps

Answer #3

Eat more foods that naturally burn fat: asparagus, beet root, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, chillies, soybeans, apple, blueberries and watermelon. I’m sure there are others you’ve just got to find them and drink plenty plenty plenty of water.

Answer #4

don’t eat, but thats not healthy, just eat 1200 cals a day and do 2 hours weight lifting and do 200-300 situps a day thats what I’ve bin doin and I am losin bout 4-5 pounds a week, when I starved ma self, I lost 10 pounds in 6 dayz but it was reli bad. x ope I helped. x

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