Can you help calm my nerves?

I have never done anything other than meeting people but me and my boyfriend want to go further but i get nervous and so don’t really spend time alone with him. this is mostly because I don’t know what to do. When you are getting fingered what do you do? Help please!

Answer #1

Hun>doesnt sound like you are even ready to be in a relationship! Think…before you move too fast into something you might regret! Get to know him, and you should be able to feel comfortable with him..if not.. your not ready for the next step!

Answer #2

Ok, it sounds like you are not comfortable with going further with your guy. In order for the relationship to work, and for both of you to be happy, you BOTH need to be comfortable before moving on to the next level. You need to talk to him and let him know that things are going a little bit fast and that you are not comfortable with that. Tell him you want to take it slow. If the two of you are meant to be, then he will respect you and your decision to wait until you feel comfortable. If he breaks up with you because you won’t move foreward then he was definitely not worth it and there are a lot of great guys up there who will love and respect you no matter what. Good luck, and whatever you do be safe.

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