She stole my friend and turned my teachers against me

ok,ok,ok,ok this is my story/problem/question. ok this girl at my school is a real b*tch! I hate her stupid fugly guts! she stole my best friend,and sheturned all my teachers against me and I have a big anger issue.I get extremely mad really fast I feel my blood under my skin bubbling I shake and my chest hurts.ok I want to know some calming down tips.there’s more to it why im so mad but I dont feel like explaining them again,so can you tell me how to calm down fast be4 I beat the pop outta that chick?

Answer #1

A true ‘best-friend’ could not have been stolen - chill: you can’t lose something you never had…Take care !!

Answer #2

I think you need to work on your anger issues first and foremost. Anger will shut more doors than it will open. You may want to speak with the School councilor about it. when you can control it THEN work on the friend problem. . . .

Answer #3

Keep in mind that if you kill her, you rob her of the chance to apologize later. :)

I always used to picture funny ways to kill people, and if I was really angry, I’d make a little list with stick figure diagrams.

Answer #4

I would say you need to just ignore her, she probably wants you to act this way and it would just make her happy to see you mad. Take a deep breath and say, she’s not worth it, and just completely ignore her. When you get the chance to be alone with your best friend make sure you let her know what you feel and if she were your best friend she would understand. As of now try going outside for a walk…or drink some water.

Answer #5

Just take a deep breathe and try to think of other things. Good-Luck.

Answer #6

newsflash:she was,she’s just like doesnt have a mind of own.

Answer #7

Ok first off,she was real,this new chikc came in and notice my best friend does not have a mind of her own she’ll follow anybody but she followed the new b* yes she cuda got stolen.that wasnt even my question,it was how can I calm down my anger.

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