How do I stop my mom from giving me a hard time?

I am 26 years old and visually impaired. My mom is constantly giving me a bunch of crap because I don’t keep my apartment spotless. I mean, even if it’s good enough for the people that work with me, and looks clean, she’ll still pick the freakin’ place apart! Today, she came and took my drums home with her, because she had heard that I wasn’t keeping my place clean.

I was going to go home this coming weekend and visit them, and ride my bike. THAT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN NOW! Before she left, she said, “I’m done! We will not be seeing you this weekend! Have a nice life, Tristan!” I’m to the point I hate my life. I’m not suicidal or anything, I’m just tired of all the b*tching!

Answer #1

Well to be honest snds like u wud b better if she weren’t around as much anyway, all that stuff she is doin isn’t right, u r grown and shud b able to have ur place the way u want it, clean, dirty or anything in between

Answer #2

i completely agree with i’m lonely your mom is becoming over controlling at your age visually impaired or not does not make you a child and she need to realize that it is YOUR apartment and you will keep it how YOU like. it seems obnoxious of her to come to your own and degrade you. tell her she isn’t welcome in your home until she learns to talk to you and treat you like an adult.

Answer #3

I understand why she does this, she’s worried that I’m going to get sick, or hurt, but I’ve lived in this apartment for a little over 3 years, and she’s been acting like this from minute one. This is the most upset I’ve seen her. I can’t tell her that, because she’ll never speak to me again.

Answer #4

I live in a Resource Center apartment. When I moved in, I signed a facility agreement, saying that I would keep my apartment sanitary. So, you could say I’m in a catch 22.

Answer #5

that doesn’t seem fair its almost like she’s black mailing you like if you don’t listen to my bull crap i won’t speak to you at all. and i can see where your at rock in a hard place. i would still sit her down and tell her how you feel in the nicest way possible. you’ve proved yourself worthy of some space i mean 3 years on your own with nothing gone wrong i think your doing exceptional well =)

Answer #6

‘I can’t tell her that, because she’ll never speak to me again’. Yes. She will. Time to call her bluff. You’re her child. You can say pretty much anything, and I swear she will speak to you again. She’s good. I’ll give her that. She’s got the emotional blackmail down perfectly. TIme to call her on it.

Answer #7

Wow. Time for you to grow up. Change your locks. And don’t give her a key. Seriously? She basically stole property from you and you’re lying down and taking it? GROW UP! The next time you talk to her, tell her you want your property back. And that you will not be speaking to her until you get an apology. And for crying out loud, go get a freaking life. Stop allowing her to run all over you. And realize that she’s your mother and she will get over whatever it is. So time to stand up for yourself.

Answer #8

Every people is different. In my Opinion,your mom is a “PERFECTIONIST”. I understand your situation,Ive been there myself xD anyways,Why not Enjoy the moment of your mom being there? Im sure your mom cares for you a lot. She Wants you to be Ready. Well I know your Ready,But Moms are just being moms. They Want the best for there Children. Sometimes,most mom misses you when you were a child. sometimes they imagine you when you were still a child. and now your grown up.26 years old. Im sure your mom is proud of you and shes just cleaning stuffs for you because shes somehow treating you as if you were still a child. Just Understand her and love her while shes still here :) Life is short,enjoy it :) and its much more joyful if you share it with other people :) specially your family :D

Answer #9

I pick my battles, and I don’t argue with my parents, just so they’ll get off my back!

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