Who hates being like 16-18 years of age and ppl around you think ur like 12-14?

I hate it very much. Im 18 and ppl say I look like im 12. But older ppl say i’ll grow to love that I look younger.

Answer #1

Honey im 24 years old and everyone who tries to guess my age believes im 16. I get dirty looks and comments when im out with my son and i get carded very rudely almost every time…you just learn to deal with it. Im quick to pull out my id for all the rude people and tell them i hope they feel stupid. Atleast i look younger and not older….it will come in handy in my fortys.

Answer #2

Wow, I know of some ppl who would kill to look that young. When my husband and I go out to town other girls look over me, cause i look like I could be his sister. So they over look me and try to get his attention. Of course I get mad lol. It frustrates me. I try several things to make me look older but I never succeed.

Answer #3

I’m 21 and still get mistaken for 16 sometimes. People often think that my sister than is 5 years younger than me is the eldest. I just ignore it though, in a couple of years I’m going to enjoy looking younger than the rest.

Answer #4

HAHA…I am 17 and I am only 4’6”…everyone thinks I am like 10 or something. It makes me soo mad when they talk to me like I am a little kid!!! Lol, once I was in a grocery store with my cousin who was 2yrs. younger than me, some lady at the cash register asked her “does your little sister want a cookie?” I was like -_- NO, I am her OLDER cousin, and I WOULD NOT LIKE A FRIGGIN COOKIE!!! lol…

Answer #5

Lol. that makes me think of my step mom. She is awesome though. She is 51 and only stands to be 4’11”

Answer #6

I’m 20 and people assume I’m barely legal to drive. I of course get carded on a regular basis, but it doesn’t help that my husband can pass for 25. People look at us weird at times or assume we’re brother and sister. Oh well though. I’ll be a hot old lady :)

Answer #7

I’m just at the opposite end of the spectrum. I’m 23 and get my age guessed at anywhere between 28-35 :P. I supposed the gray hair doesn’t help.

I used to get the dirtiest looks when I would hang out with my one friend steph, as she is a bit younger than me and everyone thought I was a dirty old man I guess.

Also had people think my younger sister is my daughter (although she is almost 12 years younger than me :P)

Answer #8

I just turned 18 and I can still pass for 12 on some days. Its annoying but keep in mind that if you keep that trait, it will come in handy when your forty and still look like your in your thirties ;) It just takes a little while to pay off, thats all.

Answer #9

im 13 and my sister is 17, im taller then her though. she isn’t a miggit, she is just short. its really funny though because me my sister and my mom walked into an asian resturant and they asked how old i was, i said 13 and she looked at my sister and said is she 13 too?

Answer #10

hey to be honest u can look at it the other way, people look at u and see a younger person, so when ur like 20 something they’ll think ur younger nd so on. its no a bad thing just can get annoying sometimes

Answer #11

be happy about that one cuz when your older you would love to look younger, it will also save ou money on anti aging stuff cuz you wont have to buy it. dont feel bad a week ago i was carded for alcohol and im 36. consider yourself 1 of the lucky ones.

Answer #12

That’s okay, I’m 20, my boyfriend’s almost 24 and when we went to the bowling alley they said ‘’I’m sorry you have to be 16 or older without a parent..’’

Answer #13

Ouch. Honestly that would have made me kinda mad. But would have been funny as well.

Answer #14

When I was like 13 and 14 my dad would tell ppl at the movies that I was younger so he could pay for me as a child. Ugh!!! I finally told him no more of that.

Answer #15

Lol… we just laughed.. cuz the guy looked younger than us. :P

Answer #16

Hah wow…I would have laughed as well. Isnt it funny how people do that. I hate how they dont ask your age they just automatically assumes your age.

Answer #17

umm i give unwed 24 year olds dirty looks with kids

Answer #18

I hate the fact that ever since I turned 13 people have though that i’m 20 something.

Answer #19

She married, I believe and who are you to say you have to be married to have children? I never plan to be married because people change and sh!t happens and if I decided I didn’t want to be with someone anymore I’d want to be able to leave without filing for devorce. I dont plan to have children, but who knows maybe I will. Feel free to give me dirty looks too.

Answer #20

Im 19, butt people think im older. Its cool cuzz u go to a party guys wanna by u a drink Buttt i dont want to be mistaken as a 24 year old. Im still young!

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