Why anything that happen in Israel its so important for the United States? I mean its not like we see another country worried about them like Ca

Answer #1

It’s got to do with politics…. since ww2 the US have been protecting israel….

Answer #2

Political Zionism.

Answer #3

Israel and the U. S. are allies. The differences between the U.S., Israel, and most of the “other” middle eastern countries is quite a contrast. A common misconception is that all middle eastern countries are the “same” and it’s not true. The U.S. should and must look out for Israel. If you want to know more, let me know and I’ll explain. If you listen to the politically correct and ridiculously liberal, then you won’t be fully informed.

Answer #4

Business and security ties make it imperative, and I am sure that history plays a role in this as well for obvious reasons. Israel has a very strong influence on American activities and they are well aware of this. Unfortunately, if you speak ill of Israel’s intentions you are called an ‘anti-Semite’, and if you speak to highly of them you are referred to as a Zionist, so I try to stay clear of this topic :P.

Answer #5

Fully informed? The U.S is supporting Israel with a holocaust. What SHOULD be done is a war crimes trial for several leaders of Israel.

Answer #6


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Answer #7

Israel is defending itself from constant attacks from terorrists. Who can expect them to just stand by like sitting ducks and wait for another attack? They are attacking terorrists who keep attacking them

Answer #8

Israel is killing children and infants, kidnapping Palestinians, holding people in concentration camps, using chemicle weapons that cause birth defects…etc. They are trying to clear out the country of palestinians because they are disallusioned that it rightfully belongs to the Jewish. No wonder they are being attacked.

Answer #9

They are not trying to kill innocent people, but the terrorists are “hiding” behind them. You have to realize what the palestinians have done to the Israelies over the years. Israel does belong to it’s people……..they have given up “land for peace” the the Palestinians so many times, but it’s never enough, they keep being attacked, their innocent children ect have died too. I’m gonna boldly say now that this is all part of prophecy, and I don’t believe that anything will permanantly change what is happening on either side. The rest of the world is just gonna have to deal with it There is injustice on both sides no doubt, I guess which side of the scale you’re standing on will dictate who you support

Answer #10

I want to add again that Israel has been under attack for many years, and that they are understandably tired of it. They have appealed to the UN, they are tired of being “sitting ducks”. All they are trying to do is stop these terrorists and people who have been killing them for years so tha they can live in peace.

Answer #11

@onemandog: The ashkenazim, who comprise the largest ethnic Jewish group in Israel, are by many assertions, descendants in large part from the Altaic, Khazarian tribes of central Asia, who converted to Judaism sometime around the 9th century, as well as other eastern European populations via later admixture: http://funadvice.com/r/c0prcm390bu The argument that because they share the religion of ancient semitic Judeans, they somehow have more of a claim to the land of Israel than do the modern Palestinians is contentious at best, especially in light of the fact that Palestinians are in part the descendants of ancient christian and jewish levantine converts to Islam following the Arab islamic invasions of the 7th century. It is deplorable that so many so called “Christians” have become such bellicose proponents of total war and apologists for this collateral damage as an unfortunate side effect of justifiable means. It is unfortunate that so many so called “Christians” have been misled by their religious leaders into abandoning the fundamental tenets of their religion. Who Would Jesus drop white phosphorous on? Unless I was totally catatonic in Sunday School… I was under the impression that Jesus came down on the side against incinerating children in their beds… but I was raised General Baptist. I understand that nothing is so black and white and that Israelis should not be expected to suffer the attacks of islamic terrorism without defending themselves, but when one compares the Israeli and Palestinian casualties over the last couple of decades and especially during this last tumult, the disparity suggests retaliation greatly exceeding proportionality. http://funadvice.com/r/c0prcm3bu3f This is accepting that the casus belli we’re being told is the case. I believe it is only prudent to consider the value of terrorism as the jus ad bellum for those incurring the attack. For example, islamic terrorism has been a daily part of our lives now for a decade, and those accused terrorists have nothing to show for their effort… not even the body of their mastermind Bin Laden ;) On the other hand… Islamic terrorism has been an enormous boon to western war contractors and oil interests. PNAC was opining for an excuse to invade the middle east just prior to the events of 9/11… just as Patrick Clawson recently aped in his cry for a catalyst to invade Iran. The death throes of the American economy is exacerbated by our policing the world…[you know that food and gas you’re paying more and more for is a direct result of the inflated currency brought about by quantitative easing ad infinitum to pay for these wars. It’s like a tax… only American’s aren’t smart enough to figure it out. Every dollar printed derives its value by taking from the value of every dollar already in circulation.] Do you think there will be a time when our own problems supersede the concern christian zionists have for the wellbeing of Israel or the untenable war on terrorism?

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