H8 HER!!

How do you get your mother 2 do what you want her 2 do… w/out buttering her up? CAUSE I F-CKING H8 HER!!!

Answer #1

she must be blood related. Blood related moms are always the worst… blegh.

Answer #2

Its the parent that tells the kid what to do, not the other way around.

Answer #3

b-tch? …hahaha.. im so much worse then that hun

Answer #4

K, either answer nicely or don’t f-cking answer at all you phucks, ok!

Answer #5

You are so incredible immature, ungrateful, and stupid.

I am 13 as well, but I actually have a drop of common sense in my head.

Answer #6

your very weird!!!

Answer #7

1: I’m 13 2: selderz was the only nice person who answered this 3: if your gunna be rude, be a b-tch somewhere else

K? :)

Answer #8

Here’s a plan…

Move out, get a job, pay your own bills, buy your own food, and let your mom do what SHE wants to do instead.

Your mother has to feed you and shelter you…she is not obligated to give you more than that.

You’re an ungrateful child…I hope you have a kid just like you.

Answer #9

ichibanarky is absolutly right and at your age, its unfortunante that you dont appreciate all that she does for you one day she wont be there for you then what are you going to do?

Answer #10

Approach her in a responsibile, thought out manner that shows that what you want has validity and that you have thought about it and can discuss it like a mature adult.

It doesn’t sound like you are mature though. Can you manage that? If you can do it properly I bet your mother would be amazed and you would have astounding results.

Answer #11

try acting like a Responsiable adult, learn how to spell,respect her, and stop being a spoiled little brat. she brought you into this world either thank her or do her a favor and undo what she did if you truly hate her. I mean seriously I’m still young my self real parent that care will never do what you tell them to do they will act like parents and tell you to no. so if she is stopping you from doing something that is most likely stupid thank her go get a job and start paying some of her bills that you ring up on a daily basis.

(p.s. if you try to commit suicide and try to blame it on some one else…you need to try again.)..wow I’m normally a really nice person but this kid pissed me off. sorry to anyone but this kid who is offened by my advice.

Answer #12

how about you start by growing the phuck up and losing the temper-tantrum quick and stop being an ungreatful little dumb shytt and be thankful for everything she does for because if (god forbid) she dies tommorrow no body in this phucking world will ever love you like she did

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