God doesn't seem to like us... does he?

If God loves us all so much, and we are all his children, and Jesus gave up his life for us…

Why do we go to hell, surely if he loved us so much that wouldn’t happen.

If we don’t believe, why doesn’t he come to us and prove us otherwise?

Why do so many people suffer in wars, disease, and other bad things?

Scientists have come up with theories about evolution, it applies to animals, why not us?

Every religion believes that they are right.

There is no proof that we go anywhere after we die.

So many people who are good die and suffer.

Jesus hasn’t come to us again

and why does everyone go through so many problems in their life, wouldn’t he want us to be happy?

Answer #1

In the Bible it says that god created everyone before they were born and scheduled each day of their life, that there’s a reason for everything and that everything goes according to his plan. So that means god predetermined each persons life, knew what actions they would make, the life that they would live through, and everything that would happen to them.

So why are people born into poverty, why do people get illnesses, and why are people born with or develope disorders? Some Christians will tell you it’s because of original sin, and that we live in a fallen universe. Others say it is to test us, teach us compassion, or to show us “the way”. So they’re saying that god created people to live in poverty and allows others to suffer, to USE THEM, to show compassion?

There’s no evidence that god answers prayers. There’s no evidence that christians are any less at risk, more likely to survive, or that they’re safer then any one as a direct result at all.

There is no scientific evidence indicating that God exists. And It would seem that the world is just as explainable and better explained with out god.

Evolution is true, evolution applies to humans as well as every creature, and there is supporting and irrefutable evidence for that. Evolution is poorly understood by people who don’t accept it, and many people don’t believe it as a result of ignorance and religious belief.

Where would you think diseases came from? Viruses, bacteria? If you believe god created everything, you believe god created those too? Where do you think AIDS came from? It wasn’t here 100 years ago..

Answer #2

Why do so many people suffer in wars, disease, and other bad things?

Sufferings, wars, disease etc. are all a part of our life. They are there simply because man makes wrong choices. God loves us and that is why he did not leave us to fend for ourselves in the condition that we are in. Rather He provided us a manual that teaches us how to make the right choices in life and there by avoid such “bad things”. Man has to choose to use that manual.

Scientists have come up with theories about evolution, it applies to animals, why not us?

That is a false statement. Actually scientists have come up with many theories. Some that are true and some that are false. There are actually various types of evolution. There are two types of Biological Evolution. Micro and Macro Evolution. Micro Evolution states that various species of animals came from one kind of animal. Eg: Dogs, Wolf, Fox, etc would have come from one dog like animal. This theory is true and it has been studied in the laboratries. But the other Evolution - Macro Evolution - states that one kind of animal evolved from another kind of animal. Eg: Man came from ape. This is a wrong theory and scientists have no evidences for this. Whenever someone asks for evidences for this type of Evolution they are always provided evidence for Micro Evolution. But the evidences of Micro Evolution does not stand good from Macro Evolution. In simple words though many claim that Man came from Apes and though many blindly believe it, there are no evidences for it and it has not and cannot be observed. At this point, I would like to point out an argument many use for this. They say it is because that process takes millions of years. That is a false statement as more and more scientific discoveries point to a young earth.

There is no proof that we go anywhere after we die.

Proof is again a matter of ones choice. In the court of law all that is provided are evidences. The judge has his freedom accept or not to accept these evidences as proof. Then again if the choices are right, justice will be established. The evidences are there and if you don’t accept them you won’t have proof. You however, can’t blame God for that.

So many people who are good die and suffer.

So would you say that the way it should be is that the Good should not die and suffer but the bad should die and suffer? God does not show partiality to good not does he dislike the bad. He wants people to make the right choices. If they don’t he may allow suffering to correct them.

Jesus hasn’t come to us again*

Please wait. He is on His way.

and why does everyone go through so many problems in their life, wouldn’t he want us to be happy?

The answer to this, is contained in the what I have said above.

I hope this has help to give you a better perspective of how things are. God Bless.

Answer #3

“If God loves us all so much, and we are all his children, and Jesus gave up his life for us…Why do we go to hell, surely if he loved us so much that wouldn’t happen.” — I am a Catholic Christian and I believe that the only way into hell is to NOT want to be in Heaven or NOT be truly sorry for your sins. God does not condemn people. People condemn themselves by choosing darkness over light.—

If we don’t believe, why doesn’t he come to us and prove us otherwise? He wants us to live our lives based on faith. I guess you could say it’s something like a test.

Why do so many people suffer in wars, disease, and other bad things? God does not create evil things. Humans create wars & diseases.

Scientists have come up with theories about evolution, it applies to animals, why not us? I believe religion & science can coexist. Possibly, God created humans using revolution.

There is no proof that we go anywhere after we die. It depends on what you would consider proof. I consider the Bible & it’s teachings to be proof. The love and kind acts that surround us our proof of the Lord.

So many people who are good die and suffer. This is true. It is not because God doesn’t love them. Sometimes the saddest things happen to the kindest people. It is all part of God’s plan.

Questioning religion is very important. It helps you grow in your faith. (: If you ever have any other questions please feel free to ask me! I’d love to discuss my beliefs further with you.

Answer #4

The one who posted this question needs to have a clear idea on various issues. As of now he is in error and is supported by many who are also in error.

If God loves us all so much, and we are all his children, and Jesus gave up his life for us… Why do we go to hell, surely if he loved us so much that wouldn’t happen.

God definitely loves us very much. He does not like us to go to hell. This question is not complete not is it clear. It is very unclear as to which set of people the you are talking about when you say “Why do we…?” If you are assuming that all of us are going to hell, then you are mistaken because not all of us are going to hell but only those who have rejected God’s provision for our Salvation - Jesus Christ.

God made man with a free will. Man used his free will to choose to sin and as a result brought Hell on himself. God loves man and does not want him to go to hell and so provided a way to Salvation - I.e a way to escape hell. That was Jesus Christ. But this Salvation still exists withing the boundaries of our freewill, which means you have to choose to accept Jesus Christ to be saved. So only those who do not choose the Salvation goes to hell.

If we don’t believe, why doesn’t he come to us and prove us otherwise?

As I told you before God created man with a freewill. He has given us the choice to accept Him or to reject Him. This is because, if we accept Him, He wants us to do so by our of our own choice. Now if He was to present himself before us then our freedom to choose disappears. We will be left with no other choice and will accept Him. Since He does not want this type of an acceptance He will not appear in front of us to prove himself.

To be Contd…

Answer #5

That question is simple. Many illnesses that believers suffer comes from a lack of faith. The Lord allows us to go through things to test our faith. Those who believe and have faith…correction…those who TRUELY believe and have faith tend to get sick less often then those who don’t. Free will is given to us to believe or not to believe. Many times however, we look at our situation or the situations of others and blame the wrong being for the misforture. Many assume that if its bad its from satan and good is from God but God sends us through test and trials just as well as Satan.

Case in point. I have sickle cell. I have not spent a night in the hospital because of it since I was four. How do you explain that? I have seen people who have had various other diseases that doctors couldn’t name much less cure but upon return to the doctor there is nothing wrong with them. How do you explain these occassions? I simple say that its a work from God. Why does it happen in some cases and not others? I don’t know. I know that I have seen with my own eyes a lady who suffered with heart problems and diabetes for years go to the doctor only to find that their was no evidence to prove she ever had any issues which either. I can’t explain that. Doctors can’t explain that. Why bother. The Lord says that if you have faith, even the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Now don’t take that literally because I have yet to see a mountain move but I believe that by my faith I was healed.

Answer #6

n the Bible it says that god created everyone before they were born and scheduled each day of their life, that there’s a reason for everything and that everything goes according to his plan.

I don’t think the Bible says that. Please show me verses.

Answer #7

He also gave us an appendix which does nothing but occasionally explode and kill us and fused the poor panda’s thumb to its hand.

Answer #8

You don’t just go to Hell - He loved you enough He provided a WAY not to ! - John 3 : 16 - Jesus next return is for believers - sure He wants us to be happy, Salvation certainly does that !! - it appears you don’t see the blessings all around you…they’re not hidden.

Answer #9

Its as simply as you let it bother you. You either choose to believe or live without worry & manage your own life.


Answer #10

“He also gave us an appendix which does nothing but occasionally explode and kill us and fused the poor panda’s thumb to its hand.”

That bastard!

Answer #11

but then why do people who do believe get ill and suffer?

Answer #12

“Scientists have come up with theories about evolution, it applies to animals, why not us?” Correct me if I’m wrong please, perhaps I don’t realy understand the question, but, evolution is a theory, and I don’t quiet undertsnad what you eman by “scientists coming up with theories on a theory”. Amybe you didn’t prhace it right…

Anyway, what do you mean by “applies to animals, why not us”? We are animals, and evolutuion applies to us as to any other animal.

Right, well, answering your question: No, he does not, because christian god is as real as the invisible pink rabbit behind you.

Answer #13

I thought we had an appendix from before we evolved or has someone told me the wrong story?!

Anyway I don’t believe in God for the same reasons. Christians believe in free will but what if someone spontaneously gets a mental illness of which they have no control over and go and kill someone. Because of there illness, that was not there choice, but in God’s eyes he would still go to hell.

Personally we as humans have evolved mentally as well as physically. Religion was made to try to explain how the world worked- but now we have much more conventional, rational ideas of which most can be proven.

Answer #14

look he gives you freedom of choice …evil and good.. the people are the ones who choose not fate its not all him all those bad things happen from people who chose evil and since he gave us that choice there is nothing we can do

we do sin and more sin and we dont repent and we do the things over and over again he gives us to the devil so that we can know that we get punished

EX: lets say you keep having sex and you ask for forgive ness then you do it a week later .. so on and so forth and he keeps forgiving you there is going to be a time that he says ENOPH! and let you get pregnant or let you get an std

hope I helped:)

Answer #15

God does want us to be happy.he wants the bst for evry1.bt the lord cant force you 2 choose or do anything he can only help and lead and love u.bt its up 2 you if you want to believe and be saved.satan is the one who casts the disease upon us.the lord can cure bt then again those people take it against God and therefore they want b heald

Answer #16

You are right! God doesn’t like us… HE LOVES US!!! If He doesn’t love us, then tell me this. Why are there so many blessings in the world? Why does God give us a choice to where we want to go after death? He makes our decision simple. Go to hell and suffer for all eternity, or be with God in heaven with no pain or tears or suffereng forever. I would think most people choose the second, but sadly, they don’t! Seems life would be a lot easier if you could look forward to eternal happiness after you die. So if God makes our decision so simple, why do most people choose to go to hell? I can’t answer that, because I dont choose that path, I choose to go to the most wonderful place in the universe for the rest of etrnity.Easy for me. How about you?

Answer #17

God’s a psycho, that explains everything.

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