What is gluten?

is it bad for you? does it make you gain weight? and wat foods have gluten in them?

Answer #1

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. For most people gluten is not a problem. People with Celiac disease (also known as non-tropical sprue) have an auto-immune reaction to gluten and develop a wide range of health problems when they consume it. The only cure for this condition is a lifelong gluten-free diet. Since Celiac disease has such a wide range of symptoms it is a popular self-diagnosis for hypochondriacs who also self-prescribe a gluten-free diet for themselves. Many of the people who buy and eat gluten-free products do not need them. Some parents of children with learning disabilities claim that switching to gluten-free diets helped but I haven’t seen any well controlled studies that confirmed this.

Answer #2

Tbh Gluten is in nearly everything. you would be surprised. I was on a gluten free diet for a year, because my doctor couldn’t diagnose why i was getting stomach pains and constipation so he came to a conclusion i had coliec disease. I actually lost weight when i was on the diet because i lost my appetite cuz all the food i could eat was horrible. So i wouldnt say its bad for you because without gluten food is rank. it works as an elastic in food, so u will find gluten free food tends to fall apart and crumble. But i was diagnosed with ibs so im back on Gluten now, i cried i was so happy. living a Gluten free life is horrible. :(

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