feel lost

I feel like no one gives a crap about me anymore. I have lost every one. my friend megan. My best friend died in a car accident. my aunt died of blood clogged in her lung. my 2nd mom died of lung cancer last week. I went to court on monday.when people see me crying, the dont ask whats wrong. not even my friends. I have severe depression. some of my friends turned on me.

Answer #1

Hang tight man. From here there’s not a lot of room for things to get worse, so be strong and find someone to talk to. Your friends are giving you space, forgive them if it seems that they don’t care. Add me on msn if you want to talk. noneedfortenchi@hotmail.com

Answer #2

I’ve seen your profile and it seemed like youve had enough.. you definitely need help.. if you want to talk I can listen to u..if you want..

Answer #3

Their just giving you room, would you like it if people came up to you and asked what was wrong non-stop? I think they are just waiting for you to feel a tad better before worrying about troubling you more.

Answer #4

oh well ill be your friend if you ever need to talk email me at jenniferwinkler@sprintpcs.com believe me I’m going thru kinda the same thing myself hun.

Answer #5

Akumo is onto it I believe. I went trough clinical depression myself aye. Not very nice.

Bad things happen to the best of us (EVEN ME!!!)

I hope things get better for you aye. Quite simply, I dont think people should have to go through depression. It is too harsh. Just dont do anything stupid you may regret like I did, and attempt suicide. Its not worth it.

Many people dont know how to deal with it, which is why they dont ask you, because (sounds dumb I know) they are actually afraid of wot ull say.

Answer #6

try to focus on your favorite hobby. say, if you like playing guitar, trry to focus on improving your skills to distract yourself, and when you learn something new it may even put a smile on your face=] that’s what I do. that’ll work with sports too or whatever else you like doing.

hope I helped a little bit.=]

and sorry about your loss…

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