Edward VIII

I can understand why Britain never forgave Edward VIII. He decided that he’d rather marry than take hold of the country and lead it to victory over the war. He then dumped the job on his younger brother Albert (or George VI) who then had to struggle to win World War II. But poor George had been stressed over the pressure of the war and began smoking - which in turn killed him. Edward VIII was also untruthful to his country - Britain was on the brink of war and all he could do was befriend Adolf Hitler. He abdicated all happy with himself leaving Britain under threat by the Nazis. What are your views?

Answer #1

I dont feel that most britains know why he abdicated let alone hate him. the one true person that didnt like him was the queen mother (elizabeth) for putting the stress of a country at war onto her husband, especially as they has children and edward didnt. but hey, its the ruling of the country not to allow a divorcee into the royla family, thats where I think the problem starts and many people would disagreee with that in the first place

Answer #2

They also hated that fact he was a threat to national security. The PM would send him sensitive documents, he would tell them to wallis and wallis would tell Von Ribbentrop, the german ambassador. Edward also spoke very highly of Hitler. He also broke the line a constitutional monarch must not cross, that is, becoming involved in politics.

“That boy will ruin himself in 12 months”~George V on his son

“The greatest thing he (edward) could do for the Empire is fall and break his neck”~Edward private secretary

He was just not suited to be King and it showed. People dislike him because he abandoned them and he broke their trust.

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