does anyone else support global warming?

come on winter seriously sux.

Answer #1

well if you hate winter so much, move to where it’s warmer… But global warming has more of an effect then destroying animal’s homes. It makes it harder for everyone to survive. ecosystems are being f-d up all over the place. it raises the temp everywhere, so it might be global comforting to you, but for people who live closer to the equator, it gets like 110 degrees outside or more. some of our food won’t grow in these conditions so if you like to eat peaches, too bad, they’re all going to die because it’s too hot for them to grow anymore. Bananas too. and with no food growing, cows and pigs and chickens will have to be forced to eat meat moreso than they are now. causeing mad animal disesase, so you can’t eat them. and without good feeds for them to eat, they will have to supplement them more with HGH’s causing small children to enter puberty when they are only 6 years old. could you imagine starting your period at 6? I mean you’re not even thinking about boys yet, and you’re already able to have a baby… not to mention that it would probably kill her. Global warming effects EVERYTHING. And you’re too short sighted to even look at the bigger picture.

Answer #2

Nope don’t support it. I feel sorry for the poor polar bears at the moment and really don’t feel like facing any big natural disasters in the near future. Plus our winters over hear is like about 26-28 degrees Celcius so is still freakin hot.

Answer #3

I dont have a vagina so I couldnt git a period when im 6 and im 18 so I don’t know how I would b 6 again unless like global warming takes you back in time and stuff which would be sweet and if its 110 degrees on the equator they should move.

Answer #4

Depending on where you live, your current climate conditions may have nothing to do with global warming. There are other local and regional factors that substantially, and more directly, influence climate.

Answer #5

Every time I see someone in a hybrid car, I press a little bit harder on the gas.

Answer #6

ya well I hate winter and I don’t really care about any animals cept cows pigs and chickens because they taste good

Answer #7

no id rather humans didnt selfishly destroy themselves the planet, and everything else living on it

Answer #8

I love winter. my window stays open all winter long!!! I hate global warming and it’s killing animals homes!! don’t you have a heart?!?!

Answer #9

I live in Louisiana, even in winter it’s around 50 degrees and humid. I would kill for a real winter.

Answer #10

Are you serious? global warming is more of a problem then just not having winters, kid. Look it up.

Answer #11

Global Warming…

Winter does suck…


Answer #12

I wish I had some pants made out of polar bear

Answer #13

global warming is a scam. for those who dont want to do the research please watch this: [link removed]

take into consideration the chemtrails and HAARP and everything known very truly proven AND WELL KNOWN…you have no idea how theyre poisoning us and its time you guys wake up!


[link removed]

that is part 4 which will make u want to watch the whole thing…this is real anyone welcome to do the research will see……Jesse Ventura is an awesome man doing something none of us have the guts for….CONSIDER POSSIBILITIES AND QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!

Answer #14

O NO LINKS……LOL OKAY! UHM THE FIRST ONE IS: on youtube and search for Jesse Ventura conspiracy theory: global warming.

the second link is:

also youtube search for What in the world are they spraying and start watching part 4 for the facts and straight to the point. this is for whoever is too busy to do the real research or if u watch too much television.

educate yourselves now before they take over completely over the internet ALSO check our Jesse Ventura, Conspiracy Theory FEMA camps. OR Alex Jones, Police state, rise of FEMA. they pulled that episode from TRUtv and STILL refuse to air it….. theyre called conspiracies for a reason guys…

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