Do I exist?

How do I become closer with my dad? I have tried but he acts like I barely exist. I live with him but when he trys to say my name he will call me sumthin else. Im really missin him when I was little cus I always used to be able to go up and hug him whenever I needed one but now I cant do that. As much as im tempted to its just hard. He is really the only thing I have right now. My mom dont care about me. And I just really want a better relationship with my dad. Can anybody give me any advice on how to have a better relationship with my dad?

Answer #1

Are there some things the two of you can do together, like bike riding, or going down the street for a cup of coffee and some people-watching? Maybe you could start making something a habit. What about preparing supper together? Or you making supper for the two of you every Wednesday night?

Parents enjoy talking to their teens about what things were like when they were that age. He may have some funny stories to share with you. And what about music? Do you like any of the same music?

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