Do homosexuals go to hell?

Do Homosexuals go to hell? My dad said so and a lot of people tell me its in the bible. Is it really? And wud I go for being bisexual?

Answer #1

love is love, men love men, they’re gay, get over it.

Answer #2

Well, yes. But it’s not for being homosexual per se. It’s for rejecting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. The bible says that all have sinned. So anyone rejecting Christ will go to hell.

Answer #3

“First Utopia above is referencing old testament which before Jesus they had many laws and rules to keep the Isralites from being corrupted and the blood line to Jesus pure”

oh so you pick and choose which versus in the old testament to use? because the anti-homosexuality is in the old testament?

To answer your question… If there is a God, and God weighs all your misdeeds, let me put it this way, I’d rather be gay and a good person, than a narrow minded hypocritical bigot who goes around breaking every other rule in the book, some how if there is a God, I think that God would be closer to Jesus’ description of love, forgiveness, and not judging, than the way people have twisted it since then…

See they dont go stoning adulterers and that’s one of the ten commandments, funny how they justify their bigotry isnt it?

Answer #4


Before I give you my answer I would like to give a warning. Many people in this sites are Atheists and extremely skeptical people who do not know the truth nor do they want to know the truth. You can see that most of the replies came from them.

If your really want to know what the Bible says about the matter you should ask someone who has proper knowledge of the Bible and ignore these ignorant people.

I would be glad to help me out with your question as one who has a fair understanding of the Bible. I know this sounds like boasting but I am not boasting. I am hear to help people.

If you feel you can not trust me because I seem like blowing my own trumpet, you don’t need to trust me. From my experience in this site I have identified some people who are blessed with good understanding of the Word of God. I will provide you a list of such people and they will be happy to help.

Also if you do really want to know the truth contact me through funmail because so I can help without any disturbance form others. Fun mail me and tell me if you want me to provide a detailed answer or if you don’t trust me tell me so and I will give you a list of other people competent of the subject.

I know many will in reply to post scoff, badmouth and ridicule me. They will tell you how stupid and deluded I am. Its up to you do decide. You can believe them and ignore this post or get in touch with me and know the truth.

The choice is yours.

Answer #5

First Utopia above is referencing old testament which before Jesus they had many laws and rules to keep the Isralites from being corrupted and the blood line to Jesus pure. That being said the Bible is very clear in the old and New Testament that homesexuality is a sin, just like many other sins. It refers many times to this being a sign of the immoral among us. As far as salvation goes, or if they go to hell. Only God knows, but we know that we are saved by grace and only requirment to be saved is to beleive in Jesus Christ. as the Son of God. However we will all stand before God to give account of our good and bad deeds done in the body. In Revelations chapter 22, it gives us a glimpse of the future Heaven on earth, and there are people outside the gates, it says these are the adulters , liars and immoral people. So this could mean homesexuals will just be outside the gates? Blessings

Answer #6

Yes, the bible contains verses against homosexuality (male with male but not female with female)

Leviticus 20:13 states: If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


“Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says.” (1 Corinthians 14:34)

This verse says that women can’t speak in church. Period. This verse is completely ignored today. Applying this verse to the modern day church would be ancient, absurd and nonsensical.

“Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her as a covering.” (1 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Upon visiting any church, you will discover that more than a few women have short haircuts. This verse, however, indicates that women should have long hair, as their “head must be covered.”

“One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the congregation of the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 23:2)

If you were born to an unwed mother, the Bible says that you shouldn’t be allowed in church. Do “Bible-believing” christians follow this rule? Nope. They acknowledge that this verse was meant for a different time.

“Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel. “ (1 Peter 2:18)

Slavery was one of the most offensive institutions to ever befall humanity. The scriptures condoned it, and, as you can see from the above verse, demanded that slaves obey their masters…even cruel ones.

When it comes to the scriptural verses which seem to be against homosexuality, fundamentalist christians boldly declare their belief in the “infallible Word of G-d”, demanding that every single word be taken literally, without exception.

But when it comes to the verses listed above, they become much less sure of themselves. So much less sure, in fact, that they don’t follow what their own Bible says. Funny, isn’t it?

Fundamentalists greatly disrespect the bible by abusing it to justify their own pre-existing anti-gay prejudice.

The bible should not be used as a weapon of intolerance.

Answer #7

christianwalk…and I do love a christian that does not know the books of the bible…and then tries to use the bible in answer to a point.

*“First Utopia above is referencing old testament which before Jesus they had many laws and rules to keep the Isralites from being corrupted and the blood line to Jesus pure.”

Let’s see, I quoted 1 Corinthians 14:34 - New not Old testament 1 Corinthians 11:13-15 - again New testament 1 Peter 2:18 - New testament

Out of the 5 verses that I quoted, only 2 are old testament…

But thanks for proving my point…

“When it comes to the scriptural verses which seem to be against homosexuality, fundamentalist christians boldly declare their belief in the “infallible Word of G-d”, demanding that every single word be taken literally, without exception.

But when it comes to the verses listed above, they become much less sure of themselves. So much less sure, in fact, that they don’t follow what their own Bible says. Funny, isn’t it?”

Answer #8

NO NO NO! Hell… isn’t real! christians say that god is love. How on earth is he love if he dooms you to friggen hell for all eternity. No thats Satan. I’m not religious. Its just I have to get that out their. I would rather believe ( if I was a christian) that GOD GIVES US SECOND CHANCES! YOU go ahead and believe in the bible by all means, What I’d what to know is WHERE IN THE BIBLE DOES IT SAY you SHOULD KEEP SUNDAY AS A HOLYDAY??? or CHRISTMAS or halloween or any of that? The orginal day was Saturday. And christmas is really wrong. Hell isn’t real!!

Answer #9

“Many people in this sites are Atheists and extremely skeptical people who do not know the truth nor do they want to know the truth.”

You plainly misunderstand the meaning of skepticism. Skepticism means one is open to new ideas, but requires evidence before believing it. Calling a skeptic closed minded is pretty ironic - and hypocritical, given that you’re the one who has already decided what you believe, and won’t be swayed by evidence (or lack thereof).

Answer #10

well…I guess only God can decide that! I’m lutherin, so we believe that no matter what, as long as you accept Jesus Christ as the savior, then you will have eternal life. just remember, as it is states somewhere in Romans it says something like: nothing can seperate you from the love of God.

Answer #11

No sweetie. Atleast thats what I believe. I think why use fear to believe? Fear is only fear itself. Christianity should be seen more loving. And those who Judge, should be ready to answer if THEY have done anything wrong. You be yourself and God will always love you. Hope I helped you=)

Answer #12

“u dine with the devil”

Cool. Will he pick up the tab, or do I have to pay for the meal?

Answer #13

teqnically,no and even if you do belive in the bible your sexuality doesnt make you or anyone else any less human and it really has nothing to do with god or the bible because its only recently that hardcore religious people added that crap in

Answer #14

My dad said so and a lot of people tell me its in the bible. Is it really

Yes it is but I dont let so book tell me what to do. I don’t believe anything the bible Im an Atheist so I really don’t believe in any of those things, and I believe there is no hell or heaven but if you believe in “God” and the bible don’t let the book run your life, rules are made to be broken :)


Answer #15

Do Homosexuals go to hell?

…maybe…maybe not…

My dad said so and a lot of people tell me its in the bible. Is it really?


Answer #16

I have broken a lot of G-ds rules but I repent which means I recognize that I am guilty for what I have done. Even if I were to think about commiting a sin it would be just the same as commiting it because it was in my heart. No matter what you do you are guilty, but you need to recognize and repent. The fact that I have lied cheated and some other things that I am not particularly proud of makes me guilty too. It is not G-d that sends you to hell, but yourself. You need to accept that these parts of your life are not pleasing to G-d. No matter how much you think that you are right, it does not matter. Repentance is the way, and it is the cure.

Answer #17

Well, people only go to hell if they fail to repent and beg the lord for forgiveness of all their sins before they die, so as long as they pray right before they die and beg for forgiveness, then no. they don’t.

Answer #18

no.. thats just what they believe

but I doubt youre going to hell… I mean no one knows for sure if theres a heaven or hell so I wouldnt worry about it :)

Answer #19

I dout it god isnt going to send you to hell for just being yourself! People just tell you rude things because they just want to scare you into being straight. Well it depends what your religion is im calthic and being bisexual and gay is a sin but I dont believe in that my cousin is bisexual and they are always telling her that shes going to hell and what she is, is a sin etc.. But she doesnt believe that and you shouldnt either God loves you no matter what you are so dont worry about it and just ignore them=)

Answer #20

I dout it, I think people just tell you things like that to scare you into being straight. I dout god would send you to hell for being yourself so just ignore them. Well it depends your religion im cathlic so it is in the bible but I dont believe it my sister is bisexual and they tell her that shes going to hell and being bysexual and gay is a sin etc.. She doesnt listen to that and you shouldnt either just be yourself god will love you no matter what!=)

Answer #21

nopee you wont go to hell lol … no suchh placeee :) x

Answer #22

Well in the Bible it says the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus. If you believe in Jesus and that He died for your sin, you will go to Heaven, end of story.

People who say that homosexuals won’t go to Heaven because it’s a sin should just keep their mouth shut and read the Bible. Sure it says that homosexuality is a sin but so is lying and many other things.

Everyone sins and God forgives everyone who believes in Jesus.

Answer #23

Depends on your religion

Answer #24

I think its all up to the way you act

Answer #25

clap, clap…utopia.

I agree.

Answer #26

Hell doesn’t exist…

Answer #27

There is no hell, so no, homosexuals don’t go there.

Answer #28


Answer #29

You’re sexy. We should have some gay sex. I can dress up like the Virgin Mary if you like, or maybe spank you with a bible. Do you like 69ing?

Answer #30

Are you saying you’ve done it with other dudes? That’s awesome. “Oh oh oh, JESUS!”

Answer #31

Well, I’ve read the bible from the beginning to the end. I’ve prayed about the bible for years and asked God for wisdom. In my heart , that the bible was not written by God. People believe they were inspired by God to write stories to help the hebrews during that time. At that time they were trying to grow and try to establish a nation so that they could live. These were writers and leaders who understood that we could not make babies and grow a nation and be tolerate with homosexuals. It was always about getting more babies. However, on this earth, we have more people than we seem to have problems with the resources that we don’t have. It looks like nature stepped into the problem. I Guess. But back to the bible. A man asked Jesus that he wanted to go to heaven. I can’t even remember his name. Jesus told the man that if he followed the ten commandments he would go to heaven. The man seemed to be better than that. Jesus said are you trying to be perfect? Well, give away your money and your things and follow me. The man said no thank you because he had a lot of money and he said enough of this. The point is that he said nothing about homosexuals about the ten commandments and about going to heaven. Thats why its not in the 10 commamdments. Lets God handle this problem. Not me.

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