Do bisexuals go to hell?

If your bi do you go to hell?

Answer #1

I beleive what mama2004 says, as for ifeelcrazy24

He also said that you’re allowed to have slaves and stone your children to death, strange that modern society doesn’t do that anymore. Don’t you think it’s about time the church made ANOTHER change?

I beleive that the some churches have gotten themselves away from god and let the sinful world get to them, so dont let mans actions deem what a religion is, let the only true person the son of god(jesus)-just wanted to make sure you knew-:), deem what a religion is and if the bible is what it is( which last time I checked is), for man deems weather or not they are worthy to go to heaven and that is one mans choice, we are given a choice to follow the bible and seek redemption, for even when we arnt following it we have a choice to seek forgivness, I beleive there is a god and this world is a test, dont follow a church that you think is wrong but follow one that has heart and cares only about forgiving people and redemption instead of naming whos a sinner, for we are all sinners… as long as we know we did wrong and you can actually say you tried to not give into sin and believe in your heart its wrong I believe god forgives u, for we are all gonna stray away from god and into sin, but the true christians come right back to god and jesus and his ways

Answer #2

I dont think I am bi and I’d like to know too

Answer #3

Well, Being a Bisexual is Somthing you are not Born with, it is a Spirit that is called the Jesibel Spirit and it is a Spirit of control, It can Be wiped off Very easily with prayer so you can be normal again and Go out with the oppoaite Sex

Good god, now I think I’ve heard it all, may I ask. Which religious NUTCASE fed this piece of cr@p into your head?

I don’t believe that you’ll go to hell, your sexual preference is NOT a choice and god is a pretty mean person if he’ll send someone to hell for something they didn’t have a say in.

Yes and no. You will go to hell if you do not change your ways and ask God for forgiveness. I am so sorry to say that the Bible says that homosexuality is punishable by death (eternal death that is).

He also said that you’re allowed to have slaves and stone your children to death, strange that modern society doesn’t do that anymore. Don’t you think it’s about time the church made ANOTHER change?

Answer #4

yes hell does excist why? cause theres a heaven why? read the bible.

Where is your solid, unbiased, undeniable proof of heaven? Hell? Until you pony up that evidence, I’m going to believe in science and logic.

And for the record, I’ve read my bible. In my opinion, it’s the biggest argument against the existence of ‘God’.

Answer #5

No of course not Its natural, even animals are gay

Answer #6

Rev. 21:8 Living Bible , says,

But cowards who turn back from following me, and those who are unfaithful to me, and the corrupt, and the murderers, and the immoral, (and God considers anything apart from a committed relationship, between a man and a woman, to be immoral ) and those conversing with demons, and idol worshipers and all liars - their doom is in the Lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death.

Answer #7

@silverwings: That quote says nothing about homosexuality or bisexuality. So even if we do accept the bible as accurate, the quote doesn’t prove anything, aside from your editorializing.

Answer #8

Yes and no. You will go to hell if you do not change your ways and ask God for forgiveness. I am so sorry to say that the Bible says that homosexuality is punishable by death (eternal death that is). So it just stands to reason that He does not like the act of being bi either. He made a man and a woman and meant for ONLY them to be together. Sorry to have to tell you this, but I just know what the Bible says!!!

Answer #9

Hell doesn’t exist. No-one goes there, not even Hitler.

yes hell does excist why? cause theres a heaven why? read the bible.

I’m not bi or lesbo *I’m straight but I don’t think theres anything wrong with lesbo’s or bi’s– their humans like all of us & didn’t do anything wrong cause people can’t help the way they feel when it comes 2 love.

Answer #10


Answer #11

some of these answers are crazy… specially this one at the bottom… no one can tell you yes or no it’s whats in your heart that god knows, yes the bible says being gay is wrong, and it’s really something that you need to make between you an god.

Answer #12

Point of interest: Although the bible makes a couple of references to male homosexuality (all in the old testament, which adherents regularly ignore when it comes to other, more inconvenient commandments), it doesn’t mention female homosexuality anywhere.

So I guess, biblically, it’s okay to be a lesbian or a bisexual woman, even if you do take the old testament seriously.

Answer #13

I wouldnt say you are going to Hell but I do agree on anger on sodom and gamorah and you are not born bi I am sorry God did not make you that way you was born in sin but somewhere along the line the enemie said hey you like the same sex you are not born that way period God is perfect he doesnt make people that are politically incorrect spiritually wise I belive this way bc ofthe bible I do belive there is freedom in christ tho fo sjho :)

Answer #14

the bible talks about homosexuality.

one of the main reasons for him to destroy sadam and gamorah was becuase of that.

1 timothy 1:8-11

Answer #15

read the bible, God doesnt take kindly to those who judge others… ‘

you decide what makes sense to you and whether your beliefs are useful to you… because if having a hypocritical, judgmental, holier than thou attitude doesnt work for you, perhaps you dont have to believe in a God who will send someone who is loved, who has never hurt anyone, to burn for eternity but will forgive someone who has tortured and murdered because they repent…

Answer #16

Well, Being a Bisexual is Somthing you are not Born with, it is a Spirit that is called the Jesibel Spirit and it is a Spirit of control, It can Be wiped off Very easily with prayer so you can be normal again and Go out with the oppoaite Sex

Answer #17

no it don’t mean that but god made you a certain way and it is a sin and you should treat your body right male and male isnt a mate and female and female isnt either but you wont go to hell but you will be sinning and god gives chances so you can ask for forgivness p.s just think about how you feel about the situation but sometimes most females cant relate with guys so that doesnt make you a bad person or just wait a lil longer to see what you really want

Answer #18

Definitely not! Think about Jesus- he reached out to everyone, he wasn’t prejudiced. He even reached out to people who had committed horrible sins; He accepted them and did what He could to help them. And being bisexual isn’t even a sin, so it can’t possibly cause you to be doomed to Hell. God Bless!

Answer #19

Read the bible.. god doesnt take to kindly to gays! read sodom and Gomorrah… the word sodomy comes directly from that story.. if you Believe in god maybe you shouldnt do anything that makes you question going to hell.. im not very religous but I still trust my gut telling me its Wrong.. for some people thats why they do it.. they like the idea of doing something they know they shouldn’t.. live your life how you wanna.. trust yourself.. “your own instinct”.

Answer #20

No sweetness you aint gunna go to hell

Answer #21

Nope. If you’re really scared of God sending you to Hell, just be a good person. Yeah?

Answer #22

No. Definitely not.

Answer #23

it is just another sin that yes leads to a spiritual death.

Answer #24

Hell doesn’t exist. No-one goes there, not even Hitler.

Answer #25

deffi not!! why, its not wrong to feel that way!!!

Answer #26

Haahaa, Nah. You won’t.

Answer #27

No im a lesbian soo what !!

Answer #28

No… Lol dont be silly :)

Answer #29

I dont think so but many people well try to judge.

Answer #30

yes they will, because they are a discrase and there are only 2 sexualities, gay and straight if there was an inbetween thats like saying michael jackson was cool cause he had a girlfriend but raped little boys

Answer #31

you can’t go somewhere that doesn’t exist =0 XD

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