Deciding what is appropriate and not

When you guys founded this web site how was it that you cant say any thing about other sites but a person can ask any thing about there body parts , sex, homosexuality, etc. Just wondering why nsome things you let on and some things you’ll forbid. –just courious–

Answer #1

asking about something you dont know that happens to your body is allowed because you should know what happens to it… other sites arent as important as asking about yourself and your problem…and also ALL forums and/or sites like this dont allow asking about other sites because that is kinda like advertising…

Answer #2

When it comes to those “other sites” you speak of, the only questions we don’t allow is :

  1. Asking for help with Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, etc., because all those sites have their own staff who should be willing and available to answer your help questions, just as we do here at FA.

  2. If your question’s intent is to direct people to leave FA to go to another site…and that’s just good business. You don’t go to McDonald’s and hear them telling you that you’d be better off going to Burger King.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice