Help for cutters

My friend just told me that she cuts herself, and I was so upset that I started, but only with a nail file (if youve never tried it, it hurts after you do it but not as bad as razors) shes the whole way at razors after using nail files for over a year. now shes upset that I cut myself so she cuts more. shes trying to stop, after she cut way too deep and bled for like 15 mins (it was still bleeding a trickle the day after) and so she is trying to stop. but she recently texted me and told me that she just couldnt take it and admitted that she had just cut herself again. how can we both stop? she tries, but shes addicted. im getting addicted fast.

Answer #1

tell her and your self that there are people in worse situations then you are and you have no right to destroy your cofidence

Answer #2

If you are having problems or are depressed, below are a couple of sites that may help you:


Check out the Befrienders link below. They are not only a suicide hotline but also offer help to people who are stressed or are in a state of depression.

In the U.S.A., you also have access to:

Girls and Boys Town National Hotline

Call With Any Problem, Any Time


Answer #3

I suggest professional help I have a friend who use to do that, I b*tched her out for it & she later stopped XD We all have a time & point where we reach a point in which we feel the need to excert physical damage either to ourselves or others(with me it’s usually othes). You need to learn how to control it & release you tension in a more constructive way. Try meditating or listening to music that you feel is appropriately fits your mood at the time that’ll calm you down(or that’ll just calm you down).

Answer #4

I aint sayin this is the right thing to do but whenever I am sad, mad scared yayaya and all that…like for example my 2 month old baby goat died that I bottle fed from a newborn. from a goaty sickness so I bit my are so fricken long and hard that it left a purple mark and a few welchy things on my arm for about a month. so anyway I kept doing it. and I knew I had to stop so I tried hard to stay away from things that would make me feel like doing it by doing things I loved to do and staying on the happy side like riding my horse, danceing, listening to music (non-depresing music), and other things

Answer #5

Get professional help. Get different things to distract you, by doing things you love or hanging with people you love. Or try to get help from your guidance counselor or anybody. I scratch myself with a needle when things get way too stressful, and it leaves a mark for a few months or less, so it’s not as bad as cutting. And I rarely do it, and I wouldn’t say I’m addicted, because I just do it when I’m too stressed out or really upset because I feel like I need to be hurt. Other times when things are stressful but not REALLY stressful, I do other things, like listen to loud music, draw, write, or write poetry. There are many different things you can do instead of cutting.

Answer #6

An interesting site I just found:

Answer #7

You must get professional help, as someone else suggested.

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