How to Cut the cravings?

So I’ve got a good work out going and trying to eat better but my question is how to cut cravings. I know some people smoke but im not a smoker.. if you’ve had success with weird things that help you cut cravings or something to do when you want junk food to get your mind off it. I know a far off question but who knows.. thanks :)

Answer #1

instead of quiting cold then jst go alil at a time. maybe melt some chocolate & dip strawberries;or stuff like that in it. you wont get anywhere jst automaticaly quiting. trust me I’ve tried. but hope that helps.

Answer #2

Eat lots of good foods the have a low GI and are high in carbs. If you are still working out this will give you the real sustained energy you need no the sugary high you are getting from sweets and junk food. This will also keep you fuller for longer.

Pasta’s, Bread’s, Chicken, Rice, Brans, Wheats etc are all high in carbohydrates

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