can you be overly hydrated?

can you be overly hydrated??? ok jw

Answer #1

You can die from water poisoning. It’s when you drink too much water in a short period of time.

Answer #2

Yup, especially if you’re rolling

Answer #3


Answer #4

I imagine you can… sorta… I remember my mom telling me not to drink to much cause I’ll drown, but I was extremely little so I couldn’t tell whether she was serious or not… O_o

Answer #5

What happens is if you drink and not relieve yourself(it’s the only way), eventually, your brain will become saturated with water and expand, causing damage to itself. Some woman, made the record for drinking the most in the world without going to the bathroom. It was either 3 or 5 gallons. Also died from her brain practically falling out of her ears(not literally).

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