Birthcontrol and mothers

Ok so heear me out, im planning on asking my mom to take me to get birth control. Im not going to see her for about two weeks so I thought id do it on the phone. She is generally pretty cool about things but no mother wants to hear that her 14yr old baby is having sex. Please dont yell at me for having sex at this age because im trying to be responsible by getting it. Now, I thot id call her and if shes not busy telol her to sit down and just hear me out. Then say I want her to take me to get birth control. If there are any moms out there how would you react to this? And anyone else can share their opinions too.

Answer #1

Do you really want sex that bad that you would risk becoming pregnant at 14? Birth control and a condom only protects like 90% of the time. What if you got pregnant?

Okay heres a scenaroi, I don’t want to offend you or anything, just put you off the idea of sex at 14.

having sex at 14 is stupid. Do you realise how much a baby costs to raise? nappies are about $15 A DAY and food is $15 a day and you have to clothe the child and care for it as well as provide for it. you are 14 so im guessing you are year 10-ish, you have got no proper education whatsoever. you cant have a baby and continue school as you must care for it, so you have to leave school which you may think is cool and fun now but in 5 years when you are 19 and all your friends are leaving to party and go shopping and go out with boyfriends etc, you will be at home colouring in pictures of donald duck with a 5 year old. You will not have a husband to work so you will have to earn money and care for your baby which is impossible so you will put it into daycare which costs about $50 a day and is horrible for the child. you will get home everynight exhausted and wont be able to play with your child and the kid will grow up not being loved and end up in drugs/skipping school OR EVEN GETTING PREGNANT AT 14, and other things that ruin your life.

im sorry if that was harsh but its better than you hear it now than later when you are 8 months pregnant with a body that dosent support the pregnancy because you are only 14 and your hips arent wide enough yet and you have no husband/partner to work and your parents are angry and you have nowhere to live and you have this baby coming that will cost you $100 a day but your on minimum wage (if you miraculously got a job) even though you cant work when 8 months pregnant.

Do not do it. you don’t need birth control because you shouldnt be having sex. seriously. wait!!

I doubt you are with someone you are in love with that much right now. you may love him, but I don’t think you are in love with him.

sorry about the rudeness I just think your mum would be upset at the thought of her baby having sex.

Answer #2

pinkdottedbow, you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

You might as well be a hooker when you’re older.

Having sex at 14 does not a prostitute make.

that’s just giving your little 14-year-old the license to have sex.

You oughtta know, that if they’re asking for it, it’s because they’re already doing it and they will continue to do so unprotected if you don’t help them.

I would rather see my daughter protected than take a chance with her life. Having a baby at 14 is by far much worse than being on birth control pills.

You need to get off your soapbox and find some valid arguments before you decide that the entire teen population should either be wh*res or pregnant.

You’re 13 - what do you know of parenting, anyway? I hope you never have kids, because if you do, you’ll have your hands full.

Answer #3

Im 16 and my advice is dont be provacative, if she says no , dont let it escalate into an arguement, let her cool down and talk to her in a day or so. Also please wear a condom birth control prevents babies not STDS

Answer #4

That’s insane - you actually are /way/ too young.

You might as well be a hooker when you’re older.

It’s true - if your mom is responsible /at all/, she won’t give you any - that’s just giving your little 14-year-old the license to have sex.

Answer #5

I’m a mom who’s been through this. My daughter asked for birth control when she was 14, too.

Naturally, I was a little disappointed at first, but the fact that she was trying to be responsible for her actions was a relief. I like that I can trust her and count on her to be honest with me about things.

Answer #6

Birth control

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