Why believe in science or creation?

Why do people believe in science or creation?

None of us actually know anything unless someone tells us in a book, tv, conversation, or other ways. the list goes on. From science to creation its all hand me down information. Scientists have actually studied facts, but use assumptions in there theories, where as creation lives off of hope or assumptions (so called faith).

What I am really here to say is they are both wrong. Until science has studied everything and proven everything with facts, they will be changing their theories. But atleast their assumptions are based on facts.

Think of how much more intelligent we are just in the last fifty years, much less over 1500 years. So, for me, to follow theories from that long ago (creation), seems retarded. It sounds like I believe in science, but really I just give it more credit, since there are some facts.

Basically, I am a realist. If I see it I believe it. I havnt seen god and I havnt seen aliens. Doesnt mean they arent real, but if you assume they are, you are doing just that. ASSUMING, or just following someone elses beliefs. Dont waste your lives worrying about how we got here or where we go when we die. I believe you do just that, you die. Just be good people and then die.

This ought to stir up some crazy talk. lol

Answer #1

Science relies on facts, religion relies on fiction. I don’t really see why it’s so hard for people to realize that.

Answer #2

good answers people. toadaly if you are a scientist then that makes sense, but how many people believe in science, just based off of what they hear or read. True you can go out and perform science but most do not. But even scientist base their theories off of someone elses ideas or theories.

Answer #3

I guess I’ll get back to the question: “why believe in science or creation?”

I dont know what I believe as far as religion goes…but I do know what I refuse to base my life around. I do however know that many many other people are different than me and their reasons are many, just like their numbers. I’ve known some people who have had horribles up bringings or, horrible lives and then they find a religion that inspires them to change their situation. to that I say, hallelujah!

Answer #4

* None of us actually know anything unless someone tells us in a book

Ugh. That’s true for religion, but not for science. You can actually directly observe nature yourself, and if you’re clever, you’ll think up ways to predict regularities in nature. If you’re really clever, you can figure out ways to test your predictions and see if they work. That’s science.

What you said about someone telling you is how religion works, but it isn’t how science works. If that was how science worked, it would be stuck in thousands of years old myths just like religion is. But instead, science continues to progress while religion does not.

Answer #5

TRUE or FALSE…if it’s real in your head than it’s real to you.

Answer #6

Ok. Theories are hypothesis’ until proven. Its the law of gravity not the theory of (torikeene). They once had a theory the earth was flat and the center of the universe, I bet a lot of people believed that at the time, too. Now they have a theory of dark matter, but cant see, touch or measure it. hmmm sounds like a hypothesis to me.

religionisgood said that a lot of research points to darwin being right, but there are researchers against evolution. You just dont hear about them as often. But again its hear say. As for science being good. That is correct. But we are not talking about technology advances here. There are lots of things to believe in and be driven for, in this world besides what we are talking about.

and ty you have the worst answer yet. I didnt claim to make an argument for evolution. a theory contains assumptions or it would be law or fact. Science’s theories are not valid until they are proven. Seriously!!!

Answer #7

Since Darwin’s time, a large volume of research and evidence has either confirmed his findings, added to them, or filled in the gaps of what he didn’t and couldn’t know. The support for natural selection is overwhelming, and one needs only bother to study it and weigh it against alternative explanations to make an informed decision. You can demand that science come up with a “Theory of Everything” before you make your final decision, but the effort to come up with that theory has already produced thousands of technological innovations, many of which you enjoy as part of your lifestyle or which have saved many other lives. That hardly seems a “waste of life” to me.

Answer #8

Well, just to add my own two cents, I think that maybe you should be reminded that scientific theory is after all, more than just a hypothesis. A theory has been tested and proven. For instance the nebular hypothesis has not yet been proven (that is the main belief in creation in the scientific community, in case you were unaware) while the theory of gravity has been proven.

I, while I am a Christian, believe in a mixture of both. Many people have argued this question before and you may find some interesting information if you look back through old questions. My personal belief is that the bible, while the inspired word of God which is incorruptible, has been translated too many times into too many languages by man, which are corruptible. While the meanings of the old stories have not been entirely lost, some of the facts may have. For instance, in the beginning… well there are many arguments about how long creation took, but I suppose even the writer did not know, which is why he used the term Erata (not sure on the spelling there) which means period of time and not necessarily day. Some (mostly those who used the King James Soley insist that the phrase and there was day and there was night the first day etc. means a literal thing, but erata could mean millenia. The one who first translated it chose what felt right to him. Also, it must be noted that there were eventually papyrus copies of the torah and the letters which followed and eventually became the bible. Richer families actually owned these copies, and their scribes made notes in the margins that in some cases made it to the text. Have you ever played the game telephone. After a while things become kind of garbled. LOL. But I believe in some instances this may have happened with the modern day bible.


Back to my theory… so I believe that God created the world, and maybe the nebular hypothesis just confirms it for me. I believe in what I have seen as well. I too am a realist. Here is what I have seen. A little over two thousand years ago a man who was an extreme radical told these twelve guys (called apostles) that certain things were going to happen. There would be wars, rumors of wars, etc. Many believe all that is already happening, and here’s why.

  1. It was prophecied that the temple would be destroyed (by Jesus and two others)
  2. It was prophecied that eventually the Jewish people would reclaim Israel.
  3. It was prophecied that all of this would happen in an age when the minds of men began to understand things more clearly. Oh you can see that just by going to work, right?

So many believe that Jesus is coming back to take His own away, while others believe that that won’t happen until the middle or even the end of the seven year treaty with Israel. I personally believe that only God knows the day or the hour, you know what I mean?

I know, too much information about a subject you really weren’t even interested in, but the thing is, you did write the question to start a controversy, which has happened so often on this site its almost boring now. Anywhoo…if you have any questions or if something I wrote doesn’t make sense or you need bible verses you can look me up.

Answer #9

Uhmmm well first off crazy talk really? ^.-

Uhmmm well it’s wrong to say that they are wrong. Yes it hasn’t been completely proven. But people do believe in it.

It’s YOUR choice to be a realist. Just like how it’s anyones CHOICE to be something and to believe in something. [[I’m a atheist for example and believe in evolution for example.]]

Yes it’s pretty biased on your own opinions and upbringings, culture, etc. But it’s nice to be able to believe in something and not be restricted, and when that something is possible, it’s just like s sense of power, that somethings people think can’t be done, could be done.

It’s not a waste of your life to believe in something… That’s like saying it’s a waste of time to not, like saying it’s a waste of time to have faith in something, someone, to dream and etc… Believing in something like creation or evolution is a base imo. It’s something based off of emotions and opinions and faith, if you don’t have that or can’t develop that then your just a conformist (hell calling that conformist is an understatement imo, I’d call it not being human, since it’s such a basic function of everyday life). It’s a ground that can be expanded on into other aspects of your life. It’s a good thing imo.

Even if I don’t agree with others on something, you have to respect what they think… It’s not up to a person to decide anothers thoughts, emotions, and views…

Anyways im gonna stop rambling now…

Answer #10

I’m sorry, but if this was meant to be an argument for evolution, you’ve majorly failed. A theory is not an assumption. As for science is not valid till it explains everything? Seriously. This is the most ridiculous example of a nonsensical rant I’ve ever seen.

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