
What time do you usually go to bed!?

Answer #1

I cant really sleep lately so just stay on me laptop till I feel my eyes getting heavy which is usually early hours of the morning :)

Answer #2

Well im 14 and I go to my room and lay down at 10 and I read until like 10 30 or before then I go to sleep!!

Answer #3

I’ve never had a bedtime so I get to go to sleep whenever I want I usually get to wake up at whatever time I want as well

Answer #4

really just when ever I feel like it but no later than 3am

Answer #5

LOL its 2.06pm on a Friday arvo so bed time is a long long long way away..

Answer #6

HaHa thanks ya’ll! I know Im random as hell :D

Answer #7

usually anywhere from 11-12:30am nowadays… ^_^

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