Should I call protective services about this baby girl?

I know somebody who has a 6 month old baby girl. I personally have an 8 and 1/2 month old son. I am worried about this little girl. she is under weight and put on 2% milk at 4 months old. the mother says that the pediatrician told her to do it, but also this girl is a pathelogical liar. to be blunt. I call around to the pediatricians she says she goes to which one is where my son goes and they told me that there is no reason for her to be on that milk because it can cause intestinal damage. the baby has not even recieved her 6 month shots and both doctors offices say that she is not a registered patient in their facility. what should I do? she is staying with a friend of mine and they are obligated to let her stay there and my friend is 4 months pregnant. there are many reasons I believe this child is not taken care of. will it effect my pregnant friend if CPS is called out? thank you

Answer #1

That baby should be on Formula or breastmilk. She is WAY too young to be on cows milk of any type. All children under the age of 5 should receive only full-fat milk. They need the fat and calcium. Id definitely call protective services. That baby is in danger.

It should have no bearing on your pregnant friend who is sheltering this woman.

Answer #2

Hm..CPS is not going to take a child for being on 2 percent milk. You need to focus on your child, and quit trying to play God with other people’s children.

Answer #3

Dear awalker87, I would be surprised if the doctors office gave you information as to her being a patient of theirs or anything about the family..not something they are allowed to tell you. If you are truly concerned about the baby it is your duty to have CPS check it out. If there ends up being a problem with the baby and you knew something and didn’t report it you could be charged. Your friend is obligated? No one is obligated to see a child neglected or abuse. She should also be calling?? You are worried about the wrong things here..the child is what is paramount don’t you think. Sue..good luck

Answer #4

Go ahead and call. They don’t take kids away immediately or anything like that. They look into it. So there’s never any harm in having them look into something if you think it is a little fishy.

Answer #5

OMG! no no no. This baby should not be on 2% milk. and YES i would call cps!! Whats more importiant, your “friend” or the health of this baby who has no choice. Your call can be annoymous, and more than likely the will schedule a home visit, a non-threating thing at first. If they find the child to be in danger then something will have to happen , and that is uot of your hands. I work at a hospital and if we were told this about the shots and cows milk we would be obgliated as nurses to call.

Answer #6

You’ve got to call

Answer #7

I would discuss the problem with your friend. If she is in the home and is not incompetent they can hold her responsible also for child neglect because she is present at the home.see if you and your friend have the same point of view .than suggest it would better for your friend to turn her in to protect her self.

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