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Should I call Child Protective Services?

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OK first of all I will start by telling you that my boyfriends mom is nuts...''surtifiably insane''. im sure your probably thinking im just being immature and im trying to get pay back for something but im not...this woman has so many problems that it would scare her family if they really knew...but she has them convinced that shes an angel she mantally and phisically tortures her children she beats her children she has 4 kids and beats 3 except the baby wich is 1 year old the other 3 have been hit like a smack all the way to a full on beating with blackeyes bruses and blood she used to lock my 17 year old boyfriend in the small bathroom with his 11 year old sister for up to 2 hours she would beat his 4 year old brother and twist his arm back untill you would hear a snap and then she would lift him by the same arm and toss him in to the next room about 5 me I know I was there that time...she also never feeds anyone she never gets healthy food and what food she usually gets its baby food and the other food like chips she hides in her room so the other kids cant have it the 11, and 4 year old are starving all the time and when I went there they always asked if I had food for them and I would hide food for them and sometimes I would go home and cry because I couldnt always feed them his mother hasnt worked for 11 years she doesnt pay rent or bills and she lives in an elegal house theres holes in the roof mold inside on the walls and windows theres rats comming from under the babys crib theres yellow jackets nests at the end of the porch by the door and they get in and sting people and the baby the animals wich are 2 dogs and 2 cats never have food and she has the dangerous pitbull on a 3 foot chain in the sun all the time and its on cement the other dog wich is a black lab never has water and lives on a 2 foot rope on the porch in the sun all day there used to be 4 cats but she starved them to death and left them in the sun and only 2 survived and they smell like there own crap and never get baithed and live in a baby pen in the sun ...the house is a hasard they never eat and my boyfriend the oldest brother left because he was sick of the torture and he could only do so much and the father left because of the same reason ...he couldnt deal with his wife anymore...oh yes he pays her for the three kids hes done it all along but she hides the money and spend thrifts on stuff for her instead of the children and her side of the family dont do anything about it ...when bryon my boyfriend left she only gave him some of his cloths and his guitar and sold everything else to get money for herself to buy whatever...she accused me of taking her wedding rings when I dont even wear gold because im native american plus bryon left without telling her and sience then he hasnt gone back there theres now way I could have or he could have taken them...this woman is not fit to be anyones mother and DO YOU THINK I SHOULD CALL CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES so these kids wont have to suffer ...bryon and his dad have this stupid fear of cops they have never done anything wrong there just afraid so should I do this because im compelled to. WILL YOU HELP ME