Do you believe in love?

I personally do, but some of my friends don’t. They tried to explain to me why but I didn’t really understand their logic. I’m not saying they’re wrong, it’s their opinion and they have a right to have one. I was just wondering what other people think and why.

Answer #1

I do believe in love…but it’s different for everyone. Some believe at love at first sight (which happened with my parents), some believe love takes time, some believe that you can’t control who you love, and others believe that love is a choice. I would have to place myself in the latter category…I believe love is a choice. I was mixed up with a guy that treated me really bad before I met my current husband. I loved the guy but I knew he wasn’t any good for me. When my current husband came along and showed me how men were supposed to treat women…I CHOSE to love him instead of the abusive one. I let one go for the other…and many might think that it sounds petty to switch from one to the other but I found someone who didn’t judge me, someone I could be myself with, someone who cared about how I felt and what I wanted out of life.

Answer #2

Maybe some people had a bad experience or something . A bad experience can cause you to believe in less . However some people believe in love .

Answer #3

They’ve never had love experiences.

Answer #4

They’ve never had love experiences.

Answer #5

They’ve never had love experiences.

Answer #6

Ahh sorry for the multiple replies!

Answer #7

Choose to love someone? I don’t understand how that works… If you had feelings for both and chose one of them, I would understand that. But if you had feelings for one but chose the other, it sounds rather complicated. But I’m glad you found ‘the one’.

Answer #8

I did have feelings for both of them…but like I said the other one was abusive…and I had to get away from it no matter how much I loved him I couldn’t say and put up with that forever. I chose to give my love to someone who i knew would return it. Sorry for all the confusion lol

Answer #9

I did have feelings for both of them…but like I said the other one was abusive…and I had to get away from it no matter how much I loved him I couldn’t say and put up with that forever. I chose to give my love to someone who i knew would return it. Sorry for all the confusion lol

Answer #10

sorry didn’t mean to reply twice

Answer #11

I believe in love. But I also think it’s rare and what most people have is not love though they think they do. I do not believe love ends.

Answer #12

Oh I see now. Well it makes sense. xD Thanks for clearing it up.

Answer #13

That’s true… Many people consider a crush or a like as ‘love’. For instance, I have a crush on a guy and everyone keeps saying “love” so I have to correct them all the time by saying crush.

Answer #14

There is a biological basis to love. When we are in love there is a rush of neurotransmitters and hormones that cause us to bond together. Nursing, cuddling, sex, and even some things we think and believe cause the release of oxytosin which leads us to bond with other people. Sexual attraction causes an increase in testosterone which encourages us to engage each other. Medications can change our love response. SSRI antidepressants dull both our sex drive and our instinct to pair bond. Since there is a biological basis for love it obviously has some survival benefit. We love because our ancestors who loved were more likely to pass on their genes than those who didn’t. We all come from a long line of lovers.

Answer #15

Love exists. If your friends are the type that say “love sucks, there’s no such thing as love, blahblahblah” then they’ve never really experienced it.

Answer #16

Ah okay . Maybe they know other people who are close to them that had bad experiences or maybe they are scared

Answer #17

Ah okay . Maybe they know other people who are close to them that had bad experiences or maybe they are scared

Answer #18

Yeah… They say they’ve never had a crush on someone or anything like that @-@”””

Answer #19

Ahh if only I could remember all of that xD

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