Questions & Answers

  1. is it normal to always end up picking a partner you're not attracted to?
  2. Is it normal that anybody write her a post in her wall?
  3. Can an HR profession grow hairs
  4. me and my gf had protected sex a week before her period now shes late can sex make it late shes 15 im 16
  5. i am not intimiate person yet my boyfriend is and its NOT working out.
  6. how do i delete a fun mail?
  7. Windows Live Movie Maker-help!
  8. How can I tell a friend that I'm not want to hang out this weekend?
  9. Should I forgive my boyfriend?
  10. Can you tell me how'd you handle it?
  11. Do you think that the character of David Banner in the hulk tv series itwas soft
  12. Is It Possible To Be A Human Bad Luck Charm To The People Around You?
  13. Is Medical Affairs different from Government Affairs
  14. did the boston bombers have a motivation for what they did?
  15. what does a conditioner for hair do, can i just buy the shampoo without the conditioner. i am tired of people saying wheres the conditioner lol?
  16. what is a spray conditioner. my cousin uses it all the time and leaves it on till the next day?
  17. what shampoo and conditioner do you use?
  18. Does anyone know about the IBDP entrance exam?
  19. what is the best wireless channel for me to use?
  20. What do you think that light was in my bedroom window (it made me paranoid)?
  21. How do I go about asking for a raise?
  22. food does MAKE people taller its not just genetics.
  23. why is that i am so terrfied of having a wedding? girls dream about there wedding..
  24. can you like someone just by looking at a pic? my sister fell in love with this guy by just looking at his picture?
  25. i like this guy but afraid of the age difference?
  26. What is a good tv show?
  27. A cut on my throat?
  28. Why do i keep dreaming about toilets?
  29. Which actresses have the biggest boobs in bollywood. Please give me a list of top10 with pictures
  30. Does Melanie Iglesias have high cheekbones?
  31. funny supernatural books?
  32. What is Bess listening to in the movie Crush (2013)?
  33. how do i grow up?
  34. Is everyone's goals to put me down and break my heart?..
  35. how do i change my display picture?
  36. is the guy that bobmed Boston Marathon Muslim or russian?
  37. Who can tell me more about Hindu gods?
  38. How to convince my mom to let me turn the unused spare bedroom into a closet?
  39. what would your reaction be to someone lieing to you that you just met?
  40. Please help me! My mom won't let my boyfriend from outa state stay with us!
  41. How can i fix a woman heart?
  42. He never texts me first, should I stop texting him?
  43. Women what would happen if a handsome guy suddenly kiss you?
  44. Is posting in community really this difficult or am I missing an obvious button?
  45. me and my bf fight alot what can i do to surprise him or make him love me more
  46. i just got a laptop with windows 8 today
  47. Is there a mobile app that I can download and use for free to keep an eye on a cheating spouse?
  48. How do I link up my adsense account here at funadvice?
  49. How can I add midi music to my web page?
  50. am i a good singer?
  51. What do you think of this idea for a movie?
  52. How exactly do you get your stomach muscles to show?
  53. Another Picture I took of Skelita Calaveras
  54. did they catch who bombed boston marathon?
  55. what is a fertilizer plant?
  56. Is it healthy to feel like you can't eat?
  57. So does he like me? or is he just playing games?
  58. How Can I lose Weight?
  59. So we would never know who did that in boston?
  60. how many guns is to many for someone to have?
  61. Skelita Calaveras, now living at our house too.
  62. How much weight should I lose to get a flat belly?
  63. Which graphic is better, which deck is better?
  64. Am i too fat for a bikini?
  65. My daughters necklace.
  66. Where can i sell my furniture online?
  67. How do you save a game on a memory chip that's on your smartphone (I want to transfer a game from one phone to another)?
  68. would gallstones cause you to have severe abdominal cramps?
  69. What would you do if??
  70. Does she have high cheekbones?
  71. Does he like me?
  72. which girl is more beautiful?girl in the white or black shirt?
  73. Help me with this logic problem?
  74. Jinafire met my camera
  75. how to determine the assets turnover when there is no net sales ?
  76. Do you think i could wear a grey or blue hoody with a brown trench coat on top, or does it look wrong?
  77. What can I do about receding nail bed?
  78. Strong and painful cramps after period?
  79. What to do about a really bad dry cough making me feel like throwing up?
  80. Why Mac Donalds or other fast food restaurant dont make grilled nuggets?
  81. No period in 3 months? Halp!
  82. Who's the person to go too about an abusive boyfriend/girlfriend?
  83. How do you get through to someone??
  84. How can I lose 10 pounds?
  85. period was late but came. was short.
  86. how did people become actors without highschool deploma
  87. Where i can buy clothes for working as a painter ?
  88. How should I change my room?
  89. how do I tell my husband he needs to lose weight
  90. how to cure dizziness from high blood preassure?
  91. How do i delete a picture that i have uploaded and i dont want it?
  92. Is their an iphone app that you can take a fake photo of celebrity and put it wherever you want on your smartphone camera?
  93. how can i store lead metal safely?
  94. How big of an age difference is too big?
  95. I think my friend is trying to make me fat (fattER at this point)! What should I do?
  96. What is a healthy weight for me?
  97. i have a question about facebook
  98. How bad does a tattoo on the rib cage hurt?
  99. How to deal with an ex friend??
  100. who looks better and why???