Entertainment Questions

  1. Are there any auditions for the Disney Channel?
  2. What should I do for my birthday?
  3. What's your favorite fairy tale?
  4. What are good birthday party ideas?
  5. What's happening on The Office?
  6. Why does everybody hate Vanessa Anne Hudgens?
  7. How to dance like a cool person?
  8. How to make a wish?
  9. How can I meet Nat Wolff?
  10. What is your favorite thing about October?
  11. What are you going to be for Halloween?
  12. What's a good Halloween costume for my 16th birthday?
  13. How to plan a wedding without a planner?
  14. If "Imus In The Morning" returns: good or bad idea?
  15. Is there anyone out there who can interpret my dreams?
  16. How old is chris brown?
  17. What should I be for Halloween?
  18. Who has read the Umbrella Academy comic?
  19. What's a good Sweet 16 party idea?
  20. Any Avenged Sevenfold fans out there?
  21. Who else loves to draw?
  22. What's a good birthday party idea for my husband?
  23. What should I do for a new movie on Youtube?
  24. How to make a master chief helmet?
  25. Did you watch Kid Nation last night?
  26. What would happen if I was caught with a fake ID?
  27. Has anyone read the Twilight series?
  28. Can you tell me how to do some breakdance moves?
  29. What should I do for my 17th birthday?
  30. Do I look like Kira Knightly?
  31. Does anyone believe in vampires and werewolves?
  32. Who all dies in the last Harry Potter?
  33. really really scary films
  34. What are you grateful for?
  35. Is Sania Mirza famous for her beauty or quality?
  36. Should the tennis star Sania Mirza act in film?
  37. Has anyone here seen and liked the movie Ghost Rider?
  38. Have you ever tried the Bloody Mary thing?
  39. What should I do for my 16th birthday?
  40. How much money would a good studio cost?
  41. What is there to do on a Friday night?
  42. Where does Cole Sprouse live?
  43. Who loves the Twilight series?
  44. What can I do for my birthday?
  45. Do you have an unusual hobby?
  46. What is your most embarrassing moment?
  47. What costume should I be for Halloween?
  48. What should I do for my birthday tomorrow?
  49. How can I get this picture?
  50. What are good Halloween costumes for girls?
  51. Desperate Housewives: funny or dumb?
  52. What should I wear for Halloween?
  53. Who misses old Nickelodeon cartoons?
  54. Where can I get pictures of Tyra Banks on the web?
  55. What's Miley's e-mail?
  56. Is it true that Miley Cyrus is pregnant?
  57. Can you please autograph several pieces of your wardrobe that I have, Mandy?
  58. Poll: CSI or Grey's?
  59. Did you watch "Private Practice" and will it make it?
  60. Where can I find movie auditions to attend?
  61. Can I become a Hollywood star?
  62. What should I do for my 18th birthday?
  63. What can I put on my Sweet 16 invitations?
  64. I dont know what to do for my birthday
  65. Does colored hairspray really work?
  66. Did you watch Heroes last night?
  67. What's a lap dance and how do you do it?
  68. What are the best TV shows for girls to watch?
  69. What creative things should we do for our anniversary?
  70. Who was Massinissa?
  71. Mandy, will you be coming back to Texas soon?
  72. How can I get VIP or backstage passes for the Jonas Brothers?
  73. What year did golf start?
  74. Which show are you most excited for?
  75. How did The Jonas Brothers get discovered?
  76. What are the best Fall movies?
  77. Mandy, how does it feel to be a celebrity?
  78. Are they going to make this Harry Potter movie?
  79. Mandy, when will you be in Holland?
  80. Does anyone want to talk good things about Randy Orton?
  81. What should my new e-mail address be?
  82. What should I do during my Halloween party?
  83. Mandy, why are you so amazing?
  84. What is something you're locked in and locked out of?
  85. Mandy, will you come with me to the Marine Corps Ball?
  86. Fan Requests for the Set List?
  87. Mandy, what is your favorite movie that you were in?
  88. Who do you think was best dressed at the Emmys?
  89. What is this person talking about?
  90. What's a funny prank for the newspaper?
  91. What's the similiarty between knife & wife?
  92. What are some good liquid pranks to get in a can?
  93. Does anyone want to talk about Randy Orton?
  94. Mandy, what's the coolest thing a fan has given you?
  95. Where to find this old clip of Conan O Brien?
  96. Does anyone think Chris Crocker is too obsessed with Britney?
  97. What do you do in your spare time?
  98. Who's the WWE Champion?
  99. What's a creative way to ask a guy to Homecoming?
  100. Are the lines at FrightFest too long to have fun?