How would you rate your self esteem?

On a scale of 1-10 … How would you rate yours right about now? 10 being excellent And confident …1 being the worst .. How do you see yourself?.. How is your self esteem?

Answer #1


Answer #2

a 9.5 (: bout 2 be a 10 *

theres no reason 4 people 2 feel bad about themselves even if it’s acne acne won’t last 4eveR. everyone gets it at some point in their life.

Answer #3

At the moment mine is probably a 6 or 7. I don’t have high self esteem anyway sometimes it gets a 10 for like a few minutes when I’m in a I don’t give a (bleep) mood.

Answer #4

11, that’s how tubular I feel.

Answer #5

Around 8 at the moment. I’m pretty comfortable where I am.

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