Y is he doing that?

My sister is 21 and has a kid her husband just died last march and she is one of those people who can say somethin to u,but if you say somethin to them then they get all mad.I don’t know her that much cause shes my half sister and I havn’t really seen her that much, so I’m shy around her.I’m afraid if I say somethin I might accidently get her upset and she’ll be mad,especially since her husband just died,anyways she always tries to tell me what to do where to go and if my dad is getting on to me she buts in and starts yelling at me.u know when you have a sister you don’t want them telling you what to do,anyways one day she was yelling at me and telling me what to do and I told her I didn’t have to listen to her. Now she won’t come back to my house and my dads mad at me,he said I made her cry and I was like she made alli cry(my sister) and he was like oh well she can cry.and that really made me upset,now he won’t let me do anything.I don’t know if he cares more about my other sister or not,and everytime she comes he treats me like crap,y would he be treating me like this he has always done that even before the fight but now its worse why is he doing that?

Answer #1

I think you should try explaining it to your father how hes been acting and if he hits defense mode then drop it and try ignoring him whenever your sister comes back just listen to her even when you dont want to unless she tells you to do something wrong

Answer #2

I think that he feels bad for her and doesnt want you gettin her upset even if she does start it even tho you dont want to (and trust me I wouldnt want to either) I think you should call her and tell her you werent trying to hurt her feeling shes probably going thru all types of changes right now

Answer #3

maybe talk to her or write here a letter saying how youll always love her but you need to live your own life and make your own mistakes ansd learn from them she cant always be telling you what to do with your life also tell her that sometimes even big sisters need help and that is she wants to talk about anything or needs any help that she can come to you and youll be there for her

Answer #4

my bff is the same wya. anyway juss tell you dad to bad and that its her fault that she wont come back.

Answer #5

thanx I’ll try but she knows how to hold a grudge and she prob won’t be back in like 6 months

Answer #6

well I tried to call but she won’t answer and hes always done that even before her husband died

Answer #7

your welcome and thatll be more time for her to cope with her loss

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