Weapons of WWI

For school I need to know how each of the weapons of war used in world war 1 effected the battle field and the war as a whole. I need to know: Trench warfare Machine guns Tanks Air planes Submarines Poison gas

I know what these things are but I don’t know how they effected the war.

Answer #1

the 2 major things that changed the battles on the ground where the poison gases and machine guns:

the very first biochemical weapon was the poison gas…more specifically the chlorine gas attack was the first gas attack in history…soldiers would have to pee on their handkerchiefs and put it over their nose and mouths…so when the chlorine gas tried to go thru the handkerchief it would react with the urea from the soldier’s pee and form uric crystals … this along wit other precautions would maybe save their lives… after the enemy unleashed this attack on the opposing side, they’d rush in a few hours later and finish off whoever was still alive.

machine guns where a huge turning point in a battle…it litterally rendered soldiers rushing to the opponent a useless strategy…one gunner manning the machine gun could take out countless enemies, without the need of high accuracy…

Answer #2

one word: stalemate.

all of those specific atrocities put the war into a stalemate… :]]

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