Economic, Societal, and Political changes during WWI. HELP!

so yeah I need help with my history homework. I need to find out some main societal, economic, and political changes in World War ONE! please help.

Answer #1

Well, you should really go to Google or Ask.Com on this, but what the heck. It depends on what country or region you are talking about. Wireless radio commubnications came about then, which was great for everybody. It meant getting messages in minutes instead of weeks or months for people communicating across oceans. That helped speed business messages considerably! WW I had tragic consequences on Germany, whose economy was bad to start with. The war was the beginning of the end of their aristocratic government, paving the way for Hitler to come into power 15 years later. Also, in 1917 you had the big Russian Revolution where the aristocracy was thrown out (And Killed), allowing Lenin to come into power with a communist government. One big societal change was that 10 million peope were killed in the war! That devastated several countries, with whole families being wiped out. Due to the terrific distrust and disgust that people and countries had for Germany, the Treaty of Versailles came about at the end of the war. This forced Germany to be indebted beyond any reasonable means, to paying war reparations to other countries, further ruining Germany’s economy. It also implemented such harse restrictions on what Germany could produce, have, or use, that made their recovery impossible, beat them down like they were worthless dogs, which allowed Hitler to come in, telling the people they were special, convincing them of it, and therefore the result was the awful start of World War II. So politically, it toppled aristocracies, and paved the way for even worse governments. Economically, the U.S. was doing well as a result of the war, going all the way into the late 1920’s, plus they benefitted by becoming the largest, prime power in the world. So in Europe, World War I did nothing but make life morre miserable for the people. Property destroyed, families wioped out, economies ruined, and governments quickly put in place that were not prepared, nor ready for the challenges. Essentially, it also made worse, the prejudices and hate against the Jewish people in Europe and Asia. Well, that will get you started! Good luck! Take care! Don

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