Is the word "Oriental" a racist term for "Asian"?

Kinda like the title says lol

Answer #1


Answer #2

The word “oriental” isn’t racist as long as you it in the correct content, for example, that “oriental guy is just weird”, would be downright racist, but if you said, “the oriental shop has the weirdest stuff” it isn’t.

Answer #3

What about if I say the Chinese guy is that racism too. Really I don’t know, because Chinese is a nationality.

Answer #4

When referring to people, Asian is the preferred term. We still call rugs from the area Oriental instead of Asian though. There are still academic uses of the term Oriental and in Oriental vs Occidental.

Answer #5

I don’t think it is. You have people who are Chinese, Americans, Japanese, Australians, Canadians, British and so on, so I don’t see how calling someone “the chinese guy” is raicst.

Answer #6

but why is oriental bat in either way? I mean if u dont know why asian he is u could say oriental. I mean to me it would be more racist to call him sth he is not ne?

Answer #7

My husband is asian and I have a lot of friends who are asian and they said its not racist. Though saying Asian is a prefered term dosnt make oriental Racist….

Answer #8

I’ve never personally seen that word as racist (I’m Chinese myself). Actually I rarely hear that word, most people just call me Asian. Some, more sensitive types might find it racist but in general I wouldn’t say it were bad of a word.

Answer #9

I know alooot of Asians find it offensive. So I guess.

Answer #10

Oriental simply means of eastern derivation from the latin cognate. The term Asian also means eastern from an older indo-european cognate… associated with the Greek name for sunrise.

Seems like six of one/half dozen of the other to me.

It’s weird how words can be suitable replacements for ideas. The racist ideology should be independent of a particular word. It is hard to imagine how a simple word can encapsulate such a broad concept in and of itself. Maybe humans are prone to fetishizing taboo ideas into disposable totems… as if it;s an evil spirit that needs to be ostracized from the community.

Answer #11

iv never herd it used for that.i know of a company called Oriental Trading. but iv never herd it used for asain.. Where i live we just say Asian or.the country like Chinese or Japanese or Korean.

Answer #12

Yeah… my friends and husband dont find it racist either… Gook or Chink now that is racist. lol

To me oriental sounds very classy unlike Asian xD

Answer #13

No…it means ‘from the Orient…East’….

Answer #14

ok then go ask em why is it offensive to them?

Answer #15

Huh? sorry, not sure what you are trying to say.

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