Why must I be so cursed?

Why am I so ugly? Make up doesn’t help. People say I should model, but you need to be pretty to do that. People get so pissed when I call myself fat and ugly because they think I’m “beautiful”. I’m a theatre freak but I hate when people look at me. I want to be an actress but I hate being photographed because of my looks, or lack there of. Help? Beauty tips? I’m dirty blonde, blue-green eyed, and 5’ 9”. How can I look pretty?

Answer #1

hey. your pretty. ok? be thankful that ya aint ugly

Answer #2

It doesn’t really matter how many people tell you you are pretty if you don’t think so. I know the feeling. What set me free from the curse of not feeling beautiful was when I started looking at myself the way God does. For starters, he doesn’t look on the outside, he looks at your heart. Secondly, he says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, in his image - So when you are thinking you are ugly, you are actually criticizing him and disagreeing with what he says.

                        When I first started believing what he said about it, I looked at my annual picture for the first time with different eyes,  and for the first time ever I thought - 

wow - I am pretty! Now it’s not even a concern, and I used to be obsessed about it. Also I think it helps to just be really greatful that you have a healthy functioning body - There are so many people that are disabled, scarred, deformed etc. that would be really thankful to have what you have..

                    It's all really a matter of perspective - you have been designed perfectly to fulfill your purpose.  I looked at your picture and you can add me to the list of people who think you are pretty.  If you believe you are pretty it actually makes you prettier, but it's more important to be pretty on the inside even if people are shallow and judge by the exterior.                 God bless.
Answer #3

Fau- I posted the pictures with the intent to not look like a sketch, not to offend people with the same issue as me. Qusetionsanswered- I don’t always believe in Him, I try but I don’t succeedvery much. Thank you though.

Answer #4

I have the same problem as you chicky200605. People say I’m beautiful and skinny, but all I see is ugly and fat. Sometimes I feel good about myself, but most of the time I feel terrible. And, you’re really pretty, deffinatly not ugly.

Answer #5

if you thought you looked so terrible then I don’t think you would have a picture of your face close up on a website. you know you’re pretty, as everyone has said, maybe you just need reassurance, which is fine, but eventually people will get fed up of you saying you’re ugly, you aren’t so just be happy with yourself!! :)

Answer #6

you dont have to look pretty becaues your allready pretty =] I saw your pictures your not ugly at all your stunning and be happy that you are pretty not everyone one here is a picture perfect
so next time when you look in the mirror just say to your self “I was wonderfuly made” =]

Answer #7

if they say your beautiful, take it as a compliment. I think I look terrible too, but guys say im cute and stuff. even if I dont believe them it makes me happy

Answer #8

At least someone agrees with me. Thanks chicamica.

Answer #9

LOL hmmm I don’t know what to say. It’s really something that’s in your head. Your someone who is pretty goodlooking but doenst feel adequate. You’re not ugly :) but there was a study done and 90% or the women in the test selected a picture of their body image that was larger than they were… So don’t worry it’s something that a lot of people are concerned with ( as far as I’m concerned you’re pretty ;) ). Don’t get yourself down, consider yourself happy to be who you are and with the body that god gave you :) it’s what’s inside that counts (but he outside doesn’t hurt either XD).

Hmm I’m sorry but I have to agree with well I guess everyone that you probably could do modeling because you seem very photogenic.

As for your beauty tips all I have to say is have confidence, have confidence in yourself. If you don’t believe that and you still think all those things about yourself then try changing something. Dye your hair, style it, change your wordrobe go nuts!
Hope that this helps you. Don’t worry about it cause it’s no big deal.

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