Did I get my period???

So, just yesterday the walls of my vagina hurt. I felt a bit light headed today and I’ve found brown stains in my undies. Is this my period? I’m 14 so I know I’m old enough to get it. I figured if I put a tampon in and left it for a couple hours it would come out bloody if it is my period, so I sneaked one of my mom’s tampons to find out. The sooner this is answered the better by the way. Thanks!


Answer #1

Sounds like spotting.

Answer #2

And would that I got my period? That it’s coming soon? I’m homeschooled and my mom always tries to skirt around those subjects. I always just find sex and puberty info online. Only the stuff that’s written by doctors though. :)

Answer #3

Yes that’s your period. That’s how my period was when I first got it, it was barely any blood. Welcome to womanhood!

Answer #4

Wow. This is kind of exciting! It’ll suck when I go to ballet class because we just wear tights and a leotard. not even any underwear!!! I was hoping so much that I’d get it during the summer and not the school year!

Answer #5

Why don’t you wear undies under your tights ;o just get ones that won’t be longer than the rim of your leotard and doesn’t make a line in your butt lmbo. I usually wear lacey ones from American eagle or Victoria’s Secret o-o they shouldn’t show up under your leotard if you pick the right ones.

Answer #6

Thanks! I’ll definitely have to try that! It sucked last night because there were no pads or panty liners at my house so I just had to deal with feeling like I was wearing a diaper. lawl. I think I’ll try to find nude undies to wear under my leotard. :)

Answer #7

I meant that there were no pads or panty liners in my size. oops!

Answer #8

I am 14 too and I started my period last year. First of all I agree with you. Periods suck when you are trying to do sports or extracurriculars. Just so you know. Your friends can’t tell that you are on it, unless you have serious pms. But i don’t know about you but almost imediatly I started getting cramps so alleve has done wonders for me and ibuprofen also works. Just don’t take aspirin or else it will make the bleeding worse. I had to learn that the hard way. Another thing is that pads do feel like diapers, but if you and your mom go to the drugstore or someplace like Ralph’s you can find thin pads. I personally use Always or U by Kotex they are great and thin. For the first couple months don’t use tampons unless you need them for ballet, I do horsebackriding so I know how bad it can get when you are in a lesson. Hope this helps!

Answer #9

Thanks so much!! I already started using tampons for ballet. I don’t really mind them. But I also use pads sometimes. I didn’t get any cramps my first time. basically just bleeding. Funny!! I have horses too! I don’t ride them very often, but we have them. :)

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