Why is she being horrible :'( ?

sorry this is long but please help!!! right, I’ve got a mate who we use to be like dead close too then she went ditched me for this other girl,(the other girl use to bully me) so I went off made new friends who I’ve been with for over a year but I have always stayed mates with her. Now her mate has moved schools and shes come running back to me which has annoyed me a bit. then lately its her birthday, which I didnt know she invited me last second to go round hers to celebrate it but the thing is I already had plans that with my bestfriend didnt want to cancel, now shes gone ahead had a rite go at me has got other people involved got people to have a go at me swear at me :/. shes then sed to me today dont get your best friend involved or let her have a go at me which I think just takes the p*ss. what do you think I should do? btw I’ve moved schools anyways,but im still local to her. I just want to know whos in the wrong?? and is she being pathetic?? thankyouu x

Answer #1

shes being veery pathetic. if I were you, I would just ignore her completely and let her be a b*tch. if you get involved anymore it would just become worse. so dont make it worse than it already is.

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