Why dont they understand :(

Okay, I brought a puppy other week, but it had to be put down because it had parvo (my mum && dad ) said I wernt allowed another dog, but I went out and did it anyways, why wont they understand that I want another dog to replace the lost of this one l; they dont understand… And I dont want to go behinde there back again :| I want them to relize I need another dog :l … I need to perswade them to let me have another on ;l

Answer #1

Shannon…for the time being, I’d let this rest. I know there is some deep need in you that you feel will be filled by having another dog…yet, there is still a 7 month old puppy in your home, that was supposed to BE your dog. The only reason this pup seems more like your mom’s dog is because that’s where all the attention is coming from. That doesn’t have to be a permanent thing…if YOU start giving this pup the attention it needs…working on obedience training, walking it, feeding it, “hanging out” with it…it will attach itself to YOU. If the pup had survived, what would you have done different with it, as compared to this last pup, which was supposed to be yours?? They’re going to want to see what you can do with THIS pup, before they consent to another one…3 dogs are expensive, and time consuming…your mom very well may see “another” dog, as one that will end up being HER responsibilty…show her what you can do with the pup you already have.


Answer #2

yeah but who pays for all that??? and maybe your parents arent the type to just replace animals like that… and, once you go to university theyll probably have to take care of it… and they might not want to

Answer #3

What Harley is saying, is this…You’d HAVE TO GET A DOG THAT HAS ALREADY HAD IT’S SHOTS…the WHOLE series. That would be a dog that is at least 4 to 5 months old (not much younger than the pup you already have). You can’t bring a puppy into that house or that yard, without thoroughly scrubbing EVERY crack and crevice…every surface…including the lawn, with bleach and water. Parvo lives for up to 5 years in the soil…


Answer #4

Good luck. You already lied to them, went behind their backs, and disobeyed them and showed a complete lack of respect. That is not the way to get what you want in life. If you really wanted another dog - you should have given it time, shown they you are responsibile, kept your grades up, followed their rules, done your chores, and then asked for another one.

Answer #5

im not going to university :S.. I pay for him.. we go hafes on the food tho. but I pay everything else!. I pay for all hes vets check ups. all hes toys treates .. It doesnt matter if there not the type.. my mum and dad didnt even go near my new puppy.. so what diffrence would it make to them? my dad didnt even suport me threw it all he did was shout at me, because I was upset.. and had a diffent tone of voice..Witch is pretty normale for someone whos just had there dog put down!

Answer #6

It’s time to be satisfied with the dog you have…

I keep wondering how you paid for the the Bulldog pup, PLUS one week intensive care the pup had at the vets. That had to cost a lot…You mentioned “insurance”…but it would have been your parent’s insurance…which could mean higher premiums for them…

Time to accept that which you can’t control…


Answer #7

I alredy tkae him ob lessons, and walks and I feed him..

Answer #8

ok, I know you are upset and want to replace a void that you feel. BUT PARVO VIRUS IS VERY CONTAGIOUS AND YOU SHOULD NOT BRING ANOTHER PUPPY INTO THE HOUSE, you are risking the life of another dog just to make yourself feel better, Unless you bring in a adult dog that is already through all of its vaccines and scubed your house and yard down with a bleach and water mixture don’t even think about getting a new dog yet.

Answer #9

Of corse im gonna make sure its been vaccines im not gonna risk that one again.

Answer #10

ugh!!! learn to spell!!!

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